Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the conclusion " in BNC.

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1 Rather does he venture to ask that it should be considered as the conclusion of an imaginative tragedy ( if he may so call it ) whereof one half has been already published .
2 Subsequently , during the argument of the appeal in the present case , the same point came before a Court of Appeal , differently constituted , in Attorney-General v. Alick Au Shui Yuen ( unreported ) , 3 October 1991 ; Court of Appeal of Hong Kong , Civil Appeal No. 149 of 1991 — in which the court disagreed with the conclusion and dicta in In re Application by a Firm of Solicitors [ 1990 ] 2 H.K.L.R. 146 .
3 Baker said at a press conference in Berlin on June 20 that three main problems remained to be resolved before the conclusion of a START agreement : a common definition of new types of missiles ; agreement on the number of warheads allocated to each ballistic missile ; and greater transparency of telemetric inscription ( the coded electronic information carried by strategic weapons ) .
4 As Parrinder also indicates , the question remains as to whether the " aims of English " can be formulated other than in terms of humanism , a question which will be considered in the Conclusion .
5 First , because identification with one 's community is morally worthwhile , and acceptance of the authority of the state an appropriate way ( though not the only way ) to express it , one may jump to the conclusion that one has an obligation to accept the authority of the state , or even that it has authority independently of such acceptance .
6 Parents may jump to the conclusion that the fact of being adopted is the root of the trouble when that has nothing to do with the case .
7 Because if you do , you can not fail to be deeply impressed by the very many ways in which high-fibre foods can help you to slim , and to come to the conclusion that the F-Plan is that major slimming breakthrough everyone has been seeking for so long .
8 Having taken into account the facts known to the inspector , the Special Commissioner was entitled to come to the conclusion that the inspector 's opinion was reasonable in the circumstances .
9 It is therefore very difficult to come to the conclusion that by 1982 there was a moral imperative to close the hospitals .
10 I am satisfied that the evidence in this case did not entitle the judge to come to the conclusion that there was in fact a grave risk of an intolerable situation for the boy if his return were to be ordered .
11 When I hear Tory Members speaking about the health service , in Trafford or anywhere else , I am bound to come to the conclusion that they are after family jobs .
12 He referred specifically to the point that this concrete path was only " " seven feet long " " , and it seems to me that on the evidence he was entitled to come to the conclusion which he reached on the question of fact , i.e. that in all the circumstances the steps formed part of the building . "
13 Why should anyone look at this silent , red-haired violinist and leap to the conclusion that he was in the Department of Trade and Industry ?
14 She felt reassured from the article that other people suffered the same symptoms as she did , and could already identify her own propensity to jump to the conclusion that people looked down on her in the absence of any hard evidence .
15 In answer to that question , choice theories find it hard to resist the temptation to jump to the conclusion that all voluntary undertakings should be binding .
16 The condition and appearance of a rug can be affected by a number of factors other than age , and it is dangerous to jump to the conclusion that something is necessarily old because it is worn and in a poor state of repair .
17 There is one general caveat and a smaller qualification to be added to the conclusion we now have ( 2 , 2a ) about causal circumstances and effects .
18 Relevant well-established civil court case law is based on the general provisions of the Civil Code relating to the conclusion of contracts .
19 The first instance ( labour ) court fully upheld the claim on the basis of the general provisions of the Civil Code relating to the conclusion of contracts in conjunction with Act 1414/1984 , i.e. it applied aforementioned well established case law relating to unlawful refusal to hire , mentioning also the von Colson judgment of the ECJ .
20 There might be regrets over giving up the novel , but after having been deeply interested in that form for many years ( even to the extent of writing one ) and often teaching courses on the novel , I have come to the conclusion that the pedagogic difficulties involved are extreme .
21 For on that Saturday Mr Pozsgay organised a radio interview to tell the world that a party committee working under him had come to the conclusion that 1956 had been a popular uprising , thus ensuring that the terms of reference in Hungarian politics would never be the same again .
22 But I 've come to the conclusion that these are sometimes a bit astrological , particularly if you 're in a competitive situation .
23 The director , Andrew Warren , admitted that even in that citadel of energy conservation he had come to the conclusion that the savings would not justify the cost .
24 American officials say that , after a year 's careful thought , the new democracies of Eastern Europe have come to the conclusion that NATO is a splendid thing : a watchdog against any future Soviet attempt to re-establish hegemony over Eastern and Central Europe ( see page 47 ) .
25 On 22 February the Chief Secretary to the Treasury , Peter Rees , had minuted the Prime Minister saying that the Chancellor and he had come to the conclusion that the Government should aim to save £2 billion from the social security review by 1987–8 .
26 Last night , while sitting doing my ration of embroidery , I thought of what we had been talking about — the paying guest , and have come to the conclusion that you ought not to undertake such a responsibility as you have had such a difficult time in one way and another with sickness and trouble .
27 I have for myself come to the conclusion that owing to the conditions which exist in the world today , having regard to the economic environment , having regard to the situation of our country , if we go on pattering along as we are we shall have grave unemployment with us to the end of time , and I have come to the conclusion that the only way of fighting this subject is by protecting the home markets .
28 But whereas he had come to the conclusion by the beginning of 1936 that Mussolini was probably not the man to play this game , he remained cautiously optimistic that Hitler might be .
29 There was evident a very strong determination on the part of Prof. Barker to remove all obstacles likely to prevent agreement being reached and , in the course of a subsequent conversation with Elvin , he said that he had recently come to the conclusion that it was of primary importance that the WEA should have the full assistance of the Extra-Mural Board in all its work throughout the whole of this District .
30 The parents had come to the conclusion , after soliciting expert opinion , that her needs could best be met in a special ( and , as it happened , private ) school .
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