Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] 4 " in BNC.

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1 Both teachers and the school librarian will be monitoring pupils ' responses to 1 ) information skills planning sheets 2 ) the keyword approach to identifying the purpose of , searching for and using information 3 ) using a microcomputer to search for information 4 ) worksheets on note taking , organizing and presenting information A report on the project will be drawn up in Term 3 .
2 The results are given as Table 4 .
3 AN INVESTIGATION is to be mounted at BAFTA into the award of a prize to the Granada drama Prime Suspect after four of the seven jury members claim to have voted for Channel 4 's GBH .
4 AN INVESTIGATION is to be mounted at BAFTA into the award of a prize to the Granada drama Prime Suspect after four of the seven jury members claim to have voted for Channel 4 's GBH .
5 He was appearing in Channel 4 's recording of comic Jack Dee 's Christmas show when police said they could not leave .
6 Next year they will be appearing in Channel 4 's production of a 1906 melodrama , Emily 's Ghost , as well as a Children 's Film Unit production of Mama and Papa in Suffolk .
7 If you have made your notes properly ( for " making " rather than " taking " is the appropriate term for most lecture notes ) , the pages will contain the key words recommended in chapter 4 , a few brief references to standard work with plenty of space left and the final conclusion clearly written in the right-hand margin .
8 For this detailed recording of facts , opinions and deductions the hard-bound students " notebook is better than the loose-leaf systems recommended in chapter 4 .
9 These characters and some others are summarized in Box 4 .
10 Our observations are summarized in Fig. 4 .
11 Direct contacts to the DNA originate mainly from three regions of the protein , and are summarized in Fig. 4 , with detailed interactions shown in Fig. 5 .
12 The temporal changes in segmental expression and anatomical variation induced by retinoic acid are summarized in Fig. 4 .
13 These are summarized in Table 4 .
14 The results relating to income are summarized in Table 4 .
15 Finally , as summarized in table 4 , there seemed to be little interest in some of the current general matters of concern in education .
16 Information about the Revenue 's approach is included in Issue 4 of the Tax Bulletin .
17 A brief account of the project in each of the other four Major Project schools in the sample is included in Appendix 4 .
18 Also included in item 4 is that part of the PSBR that is funded by borrowing in foreign currency .
19 However , the fact is that if the directors of galleries wish to raise money the Minister can refer them to the Bill and powers contained in clause 4 .
20 A more exhaustive list is contained in Reference 4 .
21 ‘ In determining any question as to the meaning or effect of any provision contained in Schedule 4 — ( a ) regard shall be had to any relevant principles laid down by the European Court in connection with Title II of the 1968 Convention and to any relevant decision of that court as to the meaning or effect of any provision of that Title ; …
22 The forms contained in Schedule 4 to the rules must be used with such variations , if any , as the circumstances require ( r 12.7 ) .
23 The law on this is very easy and is contained in section 4 :
24 Just make the best decision you possibly can in the light of the information contained in Chapter 4 .
25 In this case and if the time constant RC also happens to equal the pulse duration τ Thus As anticipated , this integral is difficult to evaluate but it does reduce to the solution expected from chapter 4 of when when when Help with difficult inverse Fourier transforms is often available from special tables .
26 This fact would appear to reflect the land potential to which I referred in Chapter 4 .
27 ( The proposed mergers between United Biscuits and Imperial and between Guinness and Distillers are referred to later in this chapter ; the proposed Leyland/Bedford trucks merger is considered in Chapter 4 . )
28 The count procedure gives rise to a different focus by the press , which will be considered in Chapter 4 .
29 There were also important differences in the allocation of services to the different tiers but these will be considered in Chapter 4 .
30 Each of the ways of expressing the no-arbitrage condition considered in Chapter 4 allows for compound growth , but not for continuous compounding .
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