Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] higher " in BNC.

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1 Timetables have not yet been adjusted for the higher performance of the Class 158s and the journey time to London remains at about 5 hours .
2 The TV companies that own ITN are also clamouring for a higher bid .
3 IT IS now a little more than three years since four biologists caused a minor uproar among molecular geneticists by publishing in Nature two papers in which they argued that a substantial proportion of the DNA of animal cells may exist for no higher purpose than its own propagation .
4 All these conditions make for a higher incidence of illness among working-class than middle-class babies .
5 Is my hon. Friend aware that despite the success of local management of schools , staff are still very worried that experienced older teachers who qualify for the higher salary scales will be discarded in favour of less experienced younger staff ?
6 In Labour 's ranks Marjorie Mowlam , the shadow citizen 's charter minister , is tipped for a higher profile job .
7 ( Employees may opt for the higher quote but can expect to pay the difference themselves . )
8 It is probable that the numbers qualifying for the higher rate will be significantly reduced .
9 If one of a couple is disabled or older than the other , the couple will qualify for the higher amount .
10 One of the things about when you are old and move to a residential home I think one of the important things is that you want to go and live close to your loved ones , if you have any , and it does just worry me that if you happen to be a person who is resident in and your loved ones live in , under these terms if you went to a residential home in you would n't qualify for the higher rate and that seems to me to be wrong .
11 In Chapter 14 we saw that risky activities on average will need to earn a higher rate of return to compensate for the higher risks involved .
12 " A lower preference can not count against a higher preference " , say the pundits .
13 In political elections , however , candidates are not just persons , they stand for parties , and in political terms a lower preference can count against a higher preference in some circumstances .
14 This was the route by which his son rose into the higher nobility .
15 The convention is sustained , but subtly mocked , in Twelfth Night , where Viola , bearing the suit of Orsino , waits until Maria leaves before launching into the higher style appropriate to romance ( I.v.167ff . ) .
16 The highly charged politics of national identity that have been occasioned by these developments have been transposed into a higher , shriller key by current concern over the appeal of a wide pan-European disposition tailored to the new range of possibilities that flow from tighter political and economic integration of the European Economic Community .
17 It too can no longer be presented in a teleological form as an account of a historical process which begins with primitive ‘ stateless ’ societies , then passes through a definite sequence of class societies in which the state comes into existence and develops , and concludes with a higher form of communal society which is again ‘ stateless ’ .
18 Both animals , with many others , had come from the higher parts of the rivers .
19 Kenny then excelled in the higher sphere and helped the Palace to gain the 2nd Division championship with the club 's best-ever defensive record , and to reach the top of the Football League in September 1979 .
20 He had others in his grizzled russet tonsure , dropped from the higher branches as the wind stirred them .
21 As the casualty lists mounted , so signs of strain began to appear within the higher commands on both sides , almost simultaneously .
22 This input is not only welcome from those climbing in the higher grades ; opinions about all the climbs are valid , with the need for accurate lower grade route descriptions being vital .
23 If the standard of excellence is reasonably clear , the parties have no way of knowing that their claims may not fall before the higher social goal of maximizing perfection .
24 The bill 's most contentious provision , which has polarised the profession 's two branches , sets up a framework for solicitors to appear in the higher courts , now the barrister 's preserve .
25 The bill 's most contentious provision , which has polarised the profession 's two branches , sets up a framework for solicitors to appear in the higher courts , now the preserve of barristers .
26 But criticism of the package , which will end the barristers ' monopoly right to appear in the higher courts and transfer a huge chunk of the High Court 's caseload to the county courts , was considerably less strident than when the original green paper proposals were debated last April .
27 About three-quarters of the judges are educated at public schools and Oxford or Cambridge , but there are also other factors that reinforce their exclusiveness : their socialization into the legal life via their training as barristers ( that is those entitled to appear in the higher courts ) and the need to demonstrate professional competence in order to ‘ take silk ’ , that is become a Queen 's Counsel and thus gain themselves a place among the elite of barristers from whom judges are chosen .
28 The use just discussed bears a relation to the occurrence of the bare infinitive after the expressions rather than and sooner than : ( 32 ) He paid the fine rather than appeal to a higher court .
29 This negative element can be felt in ( 32 ) above in the fact that this sentence implies that he did not appeal to a higher court even though he could have .
30 IAAF spokeswoman Jayne Pearce today confirmed that the federation did not accept the Ohio court decision and would appeal to a higher court in Cincinnati .
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