Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] times " in BNC.

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1 The temptation for a band may be to say that there is too much hassle attached to gigging in the Soviet Union and to wait for better times .
2 Because of the slimness of their bodies it means a shoal of bream , particularly when resting between feeding times , can pack quite tightly together and become a much smaller target than they would present if rotundly shaped .
3 As Judith Walkowitz has pointed out , in the districts where the Acts were enforced , petty theft , the seasonal migration of the poor into the countryside to pick hops and strawberries , and prostitution , were all means by which the chronically under-employed endured through hard times .
4 At a speed of 600 steps per second , for example , each of the three phases turns off 200 times per second and the average power dissipated in the freewheeling resistance at this speed is 200 x 0.04 W 8 W. The analysis of power losses at higher speeds becomes more involved , because the phase current at turn off is itself a function of operating speed .
5 However , it 's impossible for anyone who lived through those times to settle down to cosy domesticity , the world without adventure that Marius Goring offers Shearer .
6 It was not until the twentieth century that visual artists started to look into the landscape of the Highlands and Islands and try to say something about the lives of the people that lived through those times .
7 Most of us who lived through those times will , I believe , never forget the impact made by their unique hair styles and the famous jackets with no collars .
8 ( ii ) Second reading In his discussions with the Leader of the House relating to the Bill , the Minister will have arranged for certain times ( usually a day or two , but perhaps up to eight days ) to have been set aside for the second reading debate .
9 Some of this Katherine gleaned dimly from the set of house rules she read through three times in a room distinguished only by orderly barrenness .
10 Cells ( 50000 ) in serum free medium were added to each coated well and incubated for various times at 36°C .
11 AS A HEALTHY antidote to our strife-torn , recessionary and under-funded times , we commissioned Kate Garner to photograph the portfolio of comedians in our lead feature [ Laughing Through Hard Times , page 56 ] .
12 Laughing through hard times
13 I 've come off seven times now .
14 They much appreciate the work being done by Mrs Doyle , but they are not in a walk of life where they can sit back and wait for better times .
15 He does not pursue into modern times his lively thought about the connection between commerce and art ; wisely , perhaps .
16 The roads in this upper part of the valley were designed in medieval times for the occasional passage of horses and carts and have never been brought to modern standards by straightening and widening and it is to be hoped that they never will be .
17 Occupied in Victorian times by the officers of the County Gaol .
18 Consumers are prepared to wait for sales and even go for cheaper versions of what they would buy in better times , says a survey published yesterday .
19 As the sea level rose in Post-glacial times two conflicting physical processes took place : a tendency for the sea to invade the area and to leave behind extensive deposits of marine silt and a tendency for a large-scale development of peat in the districts furthest away from the sea .
20 Obesity in later years leads to insulin resistance , and the functional β cell mass , programmed in leaner times , may then be unable to meet the rising demand for insulin .
21 Frequency of liquid stool incontinence ranged from three times day to once a week ( mean 0.92 episodes/day ) .
22 Much of the research and theory which has informed our educational methodology has been superseded in recent times both in psychology and linguistics .
23 Although such motives can be found in individuals , they , like the punishment rate itself , are associated with the general ‘ moral climate ’ that develops in hard times .
24 The church tower stands out on the skyline in the middle of the village and the church dates from the 14th century , though extensively restored and to some extent rebuilt in Victorian times .
25 The Cathedral at Angers is a good example of the massive , domical building of Anjou , though parts of it were rebuilt in Gothic times .
26 Chairman of selectors Ted Dexter was at Lilleshall to run his eye over final preparations and said : ‘ We have had one of the most successful years at international level that we have enjoyed in recent times , but the coming tour represents quite a different challenge to the ones our players have had before . ’
27 Moreover , subsidence in the Upper Cretaceous and/or Cainozoic has been relatively shallow , and no additional geothermal heating occurred in recent times .
28 An American model of ‘ privatism ’ ( see Barnekov , Boyle and Rich , 1989 ) has in recent times been deemed as exportable .
29 A Labour campaign document championed the ‘ traditional values and firm foundations of the mid-Staffordshire way of life ’ and complained that its ‘ serenity … has been shattered in recent times ’ by crime .
30 When his reign ends , they could fall on hard times .
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