Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [art] need " in BNC.

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1 Up until now there has been no need to believe that neutrinos have any mass at all .
2 They have been able to work in government service , even in the army , and there has been no need for work permits .
3 Equally , there has been no need or opportunity to discuss concepts of rights in detail , since there are no entrenched constitutional provisions to serve as an automatic focus of attention .
4 For the devout Christian , there has been no need to reconcile fact and faith , history and theology , simply because he has never had any reason to believe that a distinction between them might exist .
5 There has been no need to supplement the Chair 's VDU with printers or copiers or to provide expensive video projection or multiple large-screen monitors to allow the whole Committee to view such data .
6 Perhaps in the import of systems , more than in any other development in twentieth-century physical geography , there has been a need to learn from such scientific and political neighbours .
7 As you know I 've er been holding a number of er small meetings with staff er and one of the questions I 've been asking is whether or not there has been a need for the building presentation that we 've done for a couple of years er and generally there was the view expressed that yes it was desirable but perhaps in a different format .
8 The official pretext for such precautions has been the need to prevent illicit production of passes , travel documents or pornography .
9 The most common problem has been the need to replace the joints between the 15 or 20 metre spans of the road .
10 The greatest weakness of many governments has been the need to tax which always inspires hatred in the breasts of taxpayers .
11 Various alternative uses have been suggested by the council in its attempts to justify the closure , but its main plank has been the need for housing .
12 Most significant for them has been the need to adapt to the much greater degree of bureaucratic organization which has followed the 1973 Act , the great landmark in their careers .
13 Yet , one of the catchwords that has been widely heard in Washington and elsewhere during the run up to the war has been the need to create a democratic environment in the Middle East after the war is over .
14 The worst feature of the recession has been the need to reduce the number of staff , including some with very long service .
15 I think is we , one of the concerns has been , I 've been visiting has been the need to , feeling of security in many factors .
16 At one of the effects of that delay I suspect has been the need for the supplementary estimate which is measured , er mentioned in part B.
17 Included were the need for leadership from a company like Compaq to galvanize the market , the distractions of Alpha , the paltry number of OEMs ARC has attracted , the MIPS-killer promise of the upcoming Intel 80586 and the restructuring of ACE to de-emphasise Intel , the natural volume frontrunner .
18 There 'd been no need to unpack properly , because tomorrow she 'd be leaving , of course .
19 There 'd been no need to behave like a fool .
20 According to the panel , a key piece of information sought is the need for the project .
21 Another important consideration that should not be overlooked is the need to make a will .
22 The most obvious conclusion to be drawn is the need for studies of the extent to which lifetime success varies and of the factors which affect it .
23 The the third and I think very important criterion is the need to avoid is the need to comply with sub-regional planning objectives .
24 Defending the report , Committee chairman Sir Adrian Cadbury argued : ‘ The planks on which the code is based are the need for disclosure and for checks and balances .
25 The final question addressed was the need to institute a sensible programme for tourism .
26 Gagnon and Simon suggest that : ‘ To earlier societies it may not have been a need to constrain severely the powerful sexual impulse in order to maintain social stability or limit inherently anti-social force , but rather a matter of having to invent an importance for sexuality' .
27 There would have been no need for the action we have taken had you been reasonable .
28 Had it been only the interests of traders that were being considered , there would have been no need for Britain to have responded to the competitive challenge of other European states by formalizing and expanding her own empire , with all that this entailed in provoking international tensions , arms expenditures , and general insecurity .
29 ‘ If she 'd stuck to the patterns , ’ said my mother , ‘ there 'd have been no need , but Cynthia had to fiddle with them . ’
30 There 'd have been no need for Ephraim Cook then to manage the business when he was gone ; an upright , Nonconformist — Mr Cook — the kind who never allowed a drop of alcohol , or a smile , to pass his lips and whose well-trained conscience would never allow him to cheat Gemma nor to waste a penny of her money , no matter how hard Tristan tried .
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