Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] recently as " in BNC.

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1 They also showed me the silver anklets for state elephants ( used until the 1930s ) and silver palanquins , used as recently as the 1950s .
2 The Romanesque cathedral was begun in 1052 , considerably rebuilt four hundred years later , and the Gothic tower was added as recently as 1850 .
3 An even more spectacular reversal occurred as recently as the day following the inauguration of President Clinton when Mr F Pena , the incoming US Transportation Secretary , quite unashamedly declared that the US ‘ can not give away valuable rights … without equivalent benefits for US carriers . ’
4 The organ of London 's Royal Festival Hall was built as recently as 1954 , and although this fine instrument also brings no lack of sound spectacle , its most remarkable aspect is the wide lateral layout of the pipes , which means that the music can effectively emerge from various point sources .
5 is the traditional cheese of Wales , although it was first made as recently as the 1880s .
6 I want it to be clearly understood that I do not in any way mean to suggest there is any question of prevarication when I say that as to the prospect for the future there is essentially a difference between what the plaintiff 's parents said in their statements made as recently as the twenty eighth of October of this year and what they said in their evidence about their attitude to future care .
7 It had been used more recently as well , during the Darul Islam revolutionary uprisings of the 1960s , when the bodies of execution victims were flung into the cave .
8 There are rumours that the mill was used as recently as 1923 , although no records confirm this , and the mill race was filled in by 1958 .
9 These attain elevations in excess of 3000m and much of this uplift has probably occurred as recently as the Late Quaternary .
10 But bring back flogging — abolished as recently as 1861 — they could , and did .
11 Spain on Sept. 23 effectively reintroduced a system of exchange controls ( abolished as recently as February ) , involving interest-free deposits to be made by financial institutions as a counterpart to various categories of sales of pesetas for foreign currency , while Ireland and Portugal on Sept. 24 both limited foreign exchange operations ( including in the former case a ban on punt swap activities by non-residents ) , and the Irish Central Bank on Sept. 28 raised its base rate from 10.75 to 13.75 per cent .
12 The Football League had been founded as recently as 1888 , with its base firmly in the North and Midlands .
13 It was founded as recently as 1984 , but within only three years the four young players had established an international reputation — a reputation which is now extraordinarily high .
14 That sits oddly with the fact that the board was reconstituted as recently as May 1990 and has been rationalised , streamlined and reinvigorated since that date .
15 A further result of changed international circumstances was the agreement to reverse the decision , confirmed as recently as January 1989 [ see pp. 36497-98 ] , to lengthen military service from 15 to 18 months .
16 Discovered as recently as 1964 , the cold-hall and open-air swimming pool are now displayed under cover .
17 The request , made as recently as last November , when the uproar about Libya 's refusal to hand over its two suspects was at its height , was duly ingored .
18 Marshall decried the reversal of a ruling made as recently as 1989 , and claimed that " power , not reason , is the new currency of this court 's decision-making " .
19 There nevertheless remain some aspects of the scheme which demonstrate how difficult it seems to be for government to jettison the original ideas of the Beveridge Report ; for example , the Invalid Care Allowance ( ICA ) , which was introduced as recently as 1976 , is not payable to married women on the grounds that they are likely to be at home anyway and hence not in need of compensation for giving up paid work in order to care for a chronically sick person in their household ( Groves and Finch , 1983 ) ; the tax system ( which is not under detailed discussion here ) still assumes that all men need an additional allowance to help pay for the cost of ‘ keeping ’ a wife .
20 This ‘ ontological imperialism ’ , Levinas argues , goes back at least to Socrates but can be found as recently as Heidegger .
21 The policy enunciated as recently as August 1946 was now scrapped in December .
22 Joe Darby , who took over recently as chief executive , admitted that LASMO was disappointed by the 1992 results which included a pre-tax loss of £261 million after exceptional items compared , with profits of £7 million in 1991 .
23 Mrs Brooks ' dog was almost run over recently as she was putting her into the car .
24 The threat led to the resignation on March 4 of the head of the Special Force for the Fight against Drug Traffickers ( FELCN ) , Col. Faustino Rico Toro ( who had been appointed as recently as Feb. 26 ) , and was followed by that of the Interior Minister , Capobianco Ribera , after accusations in the US press of his association with drug trafficking [ see p. 38094-95 ] .
25 The question of justifiability has been considered by the courts in a number of employment cases , where it has been construed most recently as meaning that the discriminatory effect of the requirement or condition must be weighed against its ‘ reasonable necessity ’ for the purposes of the business enterprise in question .
26 More time should have been given to expert uncertainties and disagreements about the nature of the disease ( reviewed as recently as last October by Solomon Snyder in The Lancet .
27 One of the first major pieces of legislation controlling what information went on packets was passed as recently as 1953 .
28 Introduced so hastily after the original abolition of flogging , and remaining on the statute book until judicial corporal punishment was ended as recently as 1948 , the Garotter 's Act was thus a historic landmark of reaction ; and it was quickly followed by measures to toughen prison discipline and to introduce a minimum penalty of five years of penal servitude for second offenders .
29 It was discovered as recently as 1983 by Alain le Brun when excavating at the Neolithic settlement of Khirokitia in southern Cyprus and has been found to date from 6000 B.C. The important point about its location is that Cyprus has no wild cats and this means that the animal must have been brought over to the island by the early human settlers .
30 The agency claimed that , having stated as recently as Sept. 17 that it had no unreleased BNL material , it had since discovered the existence of a series of transmissions from the CIA 's Rome station which indicated that the Rome headquarters of BNL had authorized some of the Iraqi loans .
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