Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] need [art] " in BNC.

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1 May I I do not need an adjournment but may I back away from the microphone to take instruction ?
2 They said they had come to Britain because they did not need a visa and because they thought it was a free country .
3 ‘ The fact that the Department had , in effect , advised the partnership that it did not need a licence made it difficult for the Department to point a finger of blame at them , ’ says Sir Anthony .
4 Walking well that day , he did not need a stick .
5 He did not need a stick at this time , for he was feeling better than usual , and his skin would have passed for normal except for some roughness here and there easily attributable to the chafing of clothes or to taking too many baths in hard water without the benefit of bottled body oils sold by any chemist worth the name .
6 He had read the script of Five Easy Pieces , whose title , it did not need a genius to work out , was designed to link back to Easy Rider ( though there were no physical connections whatsoever , apart from Nicholson himself , and the thematic stance of Easy Rider . )
7 in the middle of August , that the UK did not need a PWR , part of a debate not yet settled .
8 I did not need a vast beacon lit on a hilltop .
9 It was no wonder men turned to prostitutes , he thought ; but he himself had had one appalling lesson and did not need a second .
10 Tanya Frost , of Lily 's Beauty Parlour , decided Norma 's fine , clear skin did not need a heavy foundation .
11 It could be used in sieges ; it was valuable when used in the open by a lightly armed foot solder ; likewise , a mounted archer , who did not need a first-class horse to ride , could prove to be a very mobile and effective combatant .
12 She sought to ‘ pacify ’ Miss T. and did not think that there was any problem as Miss T. did not need a blood transfusion .
13 There was only one place they could scour that did not need a search warrant : TV London .
14 Mossadeq declare that Iran did not need a settlement anyway ; much better that the country proceed as if it had no oil — at least that way it would not be exploited .
15 Victorine protested that she did not need a new scarf and that green was not her colour .
16 But she also said it 'd be a nation which did not need a manufacturing industry , nor an industrial base .
17 He did not like to think of McAllister alone with her , but that was stupid — McAllister was no concern of his , and surely did not need a battered doctor to look out for her .
18 He will recall that , when British Rail proposed that Waterloo should be the first channel tunnel station , not only did it say that one station was sufficient and that it did not need a second one but , in the case which it put to the House of Lords during the discussions , it said specifically that King 's Cross was not an appropriate location for a second station .
19 Iraq did not need a nuclear device , because it already had stocks of binary chemical weapons and , he went on , any country which threatened Iraq with an atomic bomb would be " annihilated " by the chemicals .
20 The most infuriating charge was that the health service was different from business and therefore did not need the benefit of the techniques that had been developed in business and industry .
21 In the case brought against West Germany concerning the West German Insurance Supervision Law referred to above , the European Court indicated that there were cases where a provider of services might be exempted altogether from the supervisory requirements of national law , where the services were being provided to commercial enterprises who could look after themselves and did not need the same degree of protection as consumers .
22 She said that she did not need the police ; that she was just out of hospital and had no knowledge of anything requiring police attention .
23 The farm was well equipped with machinery and did not need the hand labour of earlier years .
24 Actually as the others knew , she agreed with them , did not need the furious condemnation that Faye had to use as a fuel to keep going .
25 The Chief Constable of Greater Manchester refused to provide his police authority with information concerning the policing of an industrial dispute on the ground that the authority did not need the information in order to carry out its functions .
26 ‘ I did not need the king 's guidance for that .
27 He did not need the money that he earned as a doctor .
28 It did not need the tug of her rein to stop , every ounce of its ability had gone into that leap .
29 The very survival of his regime " proved " that Spain did not need the western democracies , from whose European Recovery Programme ( better known as the Marshall Plan ) Spain was excluded when it was launched in June .
30 shared the concern and felt that the Institute could be pushed aside by the larger companies who were already carrying out their own teaching and might decide that they did not need the Institute or its standards .
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