Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] responsibility for " in BNC.

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1 This handed over responsibility for the poor law from the boards of guardians to the local authorities .
2 Normally he handed over responsibility for the routine maintenance of their relationship to Ellen , but she was letting him down , so he was going to try the only technique he knew : drop some explosive overboard and see what floated to the surface .
3 What should have happened , perhaps , was for all the actors in this particular drama to have realised the rival groups ' strengths and weaknesses and for senior management to have developed control procedures that divided up responsibilities for the production process in an equitable way .
4 President and chief executive Larry Ellison takes on responsibility for database , networking and tools development from Miner .
5 Oracle Italy is being formed as joint venture with its distributor of ten years , Datamat ; Michael Rocher , managing director of Oracle France takes on responsibility for that unit too .
6 As social services takes over responsibilities for the community care there will be a qualitative difference between social fund officers ’ decisions concerning packages of care if both are controlled by cash-limited budgets .
7 He was about to divide up responsibility for checking Angela Morgan 's last recorded movements when Bruce Davidson knocked and put his head in .
8 He also noted that the task of sharing out responsibility for Yugoslavia 's foreign debt would take longer .
9 They will take on responsibility for countryside management and access in the whole of the Sussex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( AONB ) between Harting in the west and Eastbourne in the east , and will be consulted on significant planning applications in the area .
10 The Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee has argued in vain that law centres should be treated as an essential part of the national network of legal services and that the Lord Chancellor should take on responsibility for their core funding .
11 Some lenders have already had their fingers burnt and have had to write off loans and lose their investments , rather than take on responsibility for contaminated land which was part of their security .
12 A large company , for example , could take on responsibility for all three roles .
13 There are a number of problems of course highlighted by civilianisation , there will be nobody qualified to do firearms dealers er inspections and inspections of firearms ranges and so we 've put a report in saying would you please tell us who 's gon na do it , which department will take on responsibility for it .
14 He expressed the hope that these corporate bodies would not only take on responsibilities for regulating economic activity but would also form a moral community for their members .
15 Labour 's proposed Department for Legal Administration would take over responsibility for courts and tribunals ; court procedures ; organisation , training and appointment of the legal profession , magistracy and judiciary ; legal aid ; legal services ; and the Sentencing Council .
16 He will take over responsibility for broadcasting from the Home Office in addition to administering the new national lottery .
17 We believe the Department of Trade and Industry should take over responsibility for them .
18 Clearly , the sooner it is vested the better , as the fund will take over responsibility for maintenance on a regular basis .
19 The agency will take over responsibility for IBM promotions , exhibitions and sponsorship .
20 The specifications will be submitted to X/Open Co Ltd for inclusion in the Portability Guide and the standards body will also take over responsibility for the publishing , trademarking and branding of Motif specifications .
21 If agreement is reached , Reed will sell its interests to the other three parties , who will also take over responsibility for Reed 's guarantees .
22 On appointment to office a new minister will take over responsibility for many departmental policies .
23 The information in the Labour party 's document all comes under the new education standards commission that will take over responsibility for Her Majesty 's inspectorate of schools and co-ordinate the work of local inspectors .
24 It would sit for a limited period , probably less than six months , and would take over responsibility for those areas of state operation essential for impartial elections including the security forces , a limited budgetary role , the state-owned media and the conduct of the elections themselves .
25 Where accommodation is provided for a child ordinarily resident in the area of another local authority , the home authority may take over responsibility for accommodating the child within three months of receiving written notification of the situation ( s20(2) ) .
26 The announcement that Mr Hunt , as current Employment Secretary , would take over responsibility for women 's affairs was made at last week 's Tory Women 's Conference and sparked outrage from Labour MPs and women 's lobby groups .
27 Brian says his only regret is giving up responsibility for Risley Site Services .
28 There is a crucial role for partnerships in taking on responsibility for the local co-ordination of education .
29 Objections to the proposals essentially turn on the terms under which any devolution would take place , and the question of the competence and reliability of the organisations which would be taking on responsibility for the sites .
30 How can it seriously contemplate taking on responsibility for structure plans which , under the law , must form part of the framework of development plans covering Wales ?
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