Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adj] to say " in BNC.

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1 J. C. Schetky who describes himself as marine painter in ordinary to Her Majesty has little good to say about Islay in " Sketches of notes of a Cruise in Scotch Waters on board His Grace the Duke of Rutland 's Yacht Resolution in the Summer of 1848 . "
2 J. C. Schetky who describes himself as marine painter in ordinary to Her Majesty has little good to say about Islay in " Sketches of notes of a Cruise in Scotch Waters on board His Grace the Duke of Rutland 's Yacht Resolution in the Summer of 1848 . "
3 Furthermore , when we do not notice an example , we often begin with a vague feeling that the text is poorly written and have to work quite hard to say just what is wrong with it .
4 This subject has been debated many times over many years and , after much deliberation , it was felt less confusing to say ‘ Basket Only ’ rather than stipulate a specific number of items [ at least for the majority of our stores ] as this tended to cause confrontations between some cashiers and customers as to the quantity of items in the basket .
5 She did love Alexander , deeply and passionately , and suddenly it seemed quite natural to say so , in spite of the fact that it was only so recently that she had dared to look her love in the face .
6 Indeed , it may not be going too far to say that without J. G. Crowther New Scientist would not be here , certainly not in its present form .
7 The Court said that Savory Milln may have felt some anxiety and even suspicion as to how Mr Ferriday had arranged for the £13.5m to be paid on his behalf , but it was going too far to say that any honest and reasonable man would have inferred that Mr Ferriday had misappropriated Eagle 's money in gross breach of his duty as a director or that any honest and reasonable man would not have applied the money , as Savory Milln did , in discharge of sub-underwriting liabilities until he had been satisfied that the monies were properly paid .
8 It is going too far to say , cogito , if we translate cogito by I think .
9 I had beaten so many of my idols that I hope it does n't sound too arrogant to say that I was proud of my performance .
10 You look very anxious to say something . ’
11 Well , that does n't sound very sophisticated to say , these are the questions when you just write everything you know about a particular issue .
12 It sounds seductively simple to say that it is all in the mind .
13 If the word Gruyère on the packet can induce people to buy the product in question ( I have tasted it ; and it seems only fair to say that of its kind it is of a matchless ignobility ) then it becomes clear that it is a too innocent belief in authenticity and the efficacy of the ancient formula which has made us such easy victims of the purveyors of the farmyard-fresh Surrey chicken from the battery house , the mountain-brook trout from the breeding tank , via the deep-freeze , the hedgerow-ripened blackberry pie-filling out of the cardboard box .
14 ( That is why it seems more reasonable to say ‘ I went to work in my pyjamas ’ than ‘ I went to work in my clothes ’ . )
15 Butler sometimes talks of a passion as directed at one 's ‘ having ’ its object , but it seems more satisfactory to say that particular passions are directed at occurrences , and that the basic one can not be directed ; t the occurrence of pleasure for oneself since this always stems from having something occur one wished to do so .
16 It seems also fair to say , that schemes which focus on penetration are more satisfactory than the Canadian arrangement .
17 It seems almost needless to say nowadays that exposition repeats are faithfully observed .
18 Actually I feel too embarrassed to say much about this quiz since both my wife failed to recognise Aberystwyth station — a place we go to about once a week !
19 But the penguin felt too shy to say more .
20 She did n't understand but she felt too embarrassed to say so .
21 You know if I start saying something I 'm noticing myself think you know I 'm taking too long to say it .
22 It does seem rather odd to say that death is for the good of the person involved .
23 So as my red skims the pocket , he tries very hard to say ‘ Bad luck ’ .
24 The idea of individual choice is very much there in Conservative ideology and so it becomes quite difficult to say you can have economic choice but not sexual choice in your private life . ’
25 Because of his fame , his history and his continued presence in the sport , as well as the strength of his personality , Emerson remained a figure ; but also the shadows lengthened about him and few who worked with him in those years have much good to say about their relationships with him or with his team .
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