Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [art] better " in BNC.

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1 Speaking reviews the different approaches which have been adopted to teach this important skill and suggests ways in which teachers can act to acquire a better understanding of the way speaking is learned .
2 You should steam a pudding rather than microwaving it , as steaming produces a better flavour .
3 A critical examination of the Soviet past , as in Andreeva 's letter , was a necessary part of perestroika in that it helped to provide a better , clearer picture of the way forward .
4 The rest of Latin America has fared no better than Brazil .
5 The offensive appeared , initially , to have been intended as a tactical show of strength designed to secure a better bargaining position in peace talks , due to resume on July 15 but " indefinitely suspended " by the government [ see p. 38283 ] .
6 His own approaches , however , brought only the admission from Washington that the talks were designed to reach a better understanding of the respective positions of the two countries .
7 It 's simply that he wants to create a better atmosphere , and show that after all he 's a reasonable man , and we should n't be too hard on him in these days .
8 ‘ If he wants to behave no better than an animal , then let him wallow in it , ’ she told him , and no amount of cajoling would persuade her otherwise .
9 But he has little hesitation in declaring that his successor as chairman of Esso has done a better job than he was able to achieve .
10 It is entitled ’ Myth of the tax rebels ’ and it says : ’ Over the last decade the Government has done a better job of blowing local authorities to smithereens than Guy Fawkes .
11 Willi has done a better job with Georg than I ever did with Peter .
12 Ian has made a better recovery than we dared hope , but it is still important that we do not take his fitness for granted .
13 ‘ In recent years the investment-linked scheme has shown a better return — around 15 or 16 per cent over the past five years , ’ says Feek .
14 The analysis of intergenerational redistribution ( whether , for example , the generation now retired has had a better or worse deal over their lifetime than those currently in the labour force ) poses still more severe problems .
15 It seemed that Smith has got a better image than the present chancellor has n't he ?
16 BRITISH Rail has promised a better deal for Teesside travellers .
17 BRITISH Rail has promised a better deal for passengers with a new timetable shake-up to take effect from May .
18 These reconstructions are often made of the organic elements of a composite implement : a reconstructed wooden shaft might be fitted to a bronze spearhead to give a better impression of its original appearance .
19 Who has played the better rugby ?
20 Their middle and top of the range boots were obviously a cross between a ski boot and a walking boot , designed to give a better fit , stability , and support , and some models even had a built in gaiter .
21 But is it the case that western women , living today in the United States , let alone in secular modern Europe , live in societies so dominated by the Christian myth , so ready to point to the place of women within the biblical tradition , that the best that women can do is to try to give a better reading of that past ?
22 There is nothing inherently wrong in this situation ; if we want to build a better society we have to be prepared , collectively , to pay for it .
23 The way ahead for paleontologists trying to build up a knowledge of evolution has been spurred on by the revolution in plate tectonics , which has provided a better understanding of the stratigraphic record and fossilized data .
24 A story is when McTavish wants to build a better world for everyone — just like you have it in the book , I do n't want to change anything — and the local hoods jump on him .
25 As Winston Churchill once said , parliamentary democracy is a very bad system — but no one has found a better one .
26 There are earlier Berman recordings of nearly all the pieces in this latest recital ; in no instance is the interpretation all that different ( though he has found a better edition of Funérailles ) and in most it is rather less satisfying .
27 ‘ He has proved a better confidential secretary than to give revealing answers , despite his weakness for the opposite sex — however beautiful , ’ Ven replied .
28 I tried to get a better grip but to my horror my fingers began to run down the door like melting plasticine as I watched from my perilous vantage point .
29 As with the bucket brigade algorithm , we want to learn a better set of weights for the patterns .
30 Intel has decided that the next generation of PC processors needs to have a better name than the 586 .
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