Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 So I would emphasise then , again , that the resolution is intended to enable the present position to continue , and to enable your trustees to manage the funds effectively in setting the policy and benefiting from the advice which is available .
2 This has given the present city its innumerable trees , its many green spaces , and its fine views and prospects .
3 Luke Hermann , former Senior Assistant Keeper at the Ashmolean and Professor of Art History at Leicester University , has produced the present volume .
4 I want to retain the present engine 's performance but increase the miles per gallon .
5 This is a scandal not merely because police stations are not equipped to hold prisoners for more than a day or two — everyone from Lord Justice Woolf to the Inspectorate Constabulary has condemned the present arrangement — but because police cells are now being used as a convenience to enable the Prison Department and the Home Secretary to claim that overcrowding in prisons is diminished .
6 Ortega blamed Alemán , Alfredo César — the leader of the PSD — and Vice-President Virgilio Godoy for " sowing discord , hatred , violence and destabilization " , but urged Sandinistas to work to overcome the present crisis .
7 It is Jaime Ortiz Patiño 's recent move from a house in Vandoeuveres , outside Geneva , to smaller quarters in London following in his father 's and his maternal grandfather 's footsteps he has recently accepted an appointment as an advisor to the Bolivian government that has prompted the present consignment of Old Masters , silver and French furniture .
8 The British answer was that they would prefer to view the present difficulty in the wider context of the general European refugee situation , but that they might be prepared to consider possible subsequent entry of the Jews to Britain after their return to Germany .
9 The published policy of the Secretary of State was that he would not grant consent for the total or substantial demolition of a listed building unless he was satisfied that every effort had been made to continue the present use or find an alternative use .
10 MAX : Stop using the present tense .
11 All costs are expressed in 1989/90 prices , and where costs have been incurred beyond the first year , then the Treasury 's recommended discount rate of 6% has been applied to obtain a present value estimate .
12 There is however now some evidence that Select Committees would like to interest themselves in the Committee system and may be seeking to erode the present convention .
13 The sub-committee [ see paragraph 1 ] for a considerable time proposed that the general offence of theft should be made to cover the present offence of obtaining by false pretences under [ the Larceny Act 1916 , section ] 32(1) .
14 The 32-page response , ‘ Making the Right Choice — A Quality Public Service ’ , concluded that no convincing case had been made to change the present arrangements .
15 In the absence of these things , I seek to defend the present service as the best achievable .
16 John Millington , principal training adviser for the Engineering Industry Training Board , says employers would like to see the present system streamlined , with fewer syllabuses and more emphasis on assessing a wider range of skills .
17 They would like to see the present role of parish councils retained and enhanced .
18 This would have to carry the 3.0 m ewes which the Meat and Livestock Commission consider would be needed to provide the present contribution , 50% of national lamb production , from upland and hill ewes as well as the 800,000 or so cows receiving subsidy .
19 But if unionists could be persuaded to accept the present Anglo-Irish Agreement , with increased local democracy , and if the SDLP would settle for a unionist input into cross-border institutions covering common interests like agriculture , tourism and roads , would this not be progress ?
20 On Nov. 16 Vellayati restated his proposal of Sept. 30 in more specific form in order " to help break the present artificial impasse which benefits no-one " .
21 Thus the archaeocyathids ( or Pleospogia ) of the Cambrian , certain brachiopods and forams in the Permian and the rudistid bivalves in the Cretaceous all seem to parallel the present equator .
22 If they are , there will be no need for an extra bridge and the projected cost of a second bridge could be used to strengthen the present structure .
23 But nobody at The Valley , which a near-bankrupt Charlton left in 1985 to become uneasy tenants at Selhurst Park and Upton Park , is going to let the present apparent chaos spoil the greatest day in the club 's history since they won the FA Cup back in the glory days of 1947 .
24 I 'd like to nominate the present Vice Chair , as the Vice Chair for the coming year .
25 The discount factor used to calculate the present values of the redemption prices of the bonds is the yield to equivalent life , so we have to calculate the yield to equivalent life before we can calculate the equivalent life itself .
26 By this time , the trade was completely unionized , and the existence of the women 's section of the union gave the group a certain coherence and identity ; so much so that to avoid overloading the present chapter , the union 's creation and activity is discussed in Chapter 7 .
27 The purpose of this report is to put these trends into focus in order that the Chancellor should be persuaded to remove the present severe discrimination against the spirit of his native heath .
28 But in a situation where we were left with the second E I P and we had districts preparing district wide plans and as Mr in his submission has said , he intends to remove the present article fourteen , direction , we are in real chaos .
29 The research aims to investigate some of the social psychological factors that have helped to maintain the present conflict .
30 In 1903 a German syndicate began building the present sanatorium and the Hospital of Marmeleiros .
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