Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] long [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My interests , after making a lifelong detour through the natural sciences , medicine and psychotherapy , returned to the cultural problems which had fascinated me long before , when I was a youth scarcely old enough for thinking .
2 No-one has been using them long enough to know .
3 The other is that he heard me following , and staged the attack on himself , with the help of some accomplice unknown — for it could n't have been done alone , could it ? — to put himself in the clear , and immobilise me long enough for the other person to get away , and the body to be well downstream .
4 We used them long ago .
5 You 've had a bad experience , but it 's one that happens to both men and women and you should have forgotten it long ago .
6 ‘ I told you long ago I was n't good enough for you .
7 And of course , as I told you long ago , you are beautiful , and I like the looks I get from other men when I 'm with a beautiful woman . ’
8 Dot thought about that place where they 'd visited him long ago , with soldiers guarding the main gate , and long low buildings surrounded by grass clipped so flat there was nowhere for a running man to hide .
9 I know you ca n't simply kill him , even with a seeming accident , or you and Farquhar would have done it long since . ’
10 I 'd have done it long ago .
11 I ought to have done it long ago .
12 Co-productions with the Royal Opera have proved as vital for London as St Petersburg , and Gergiev was quite happy that Covent Garden 's lap of The Fiery Angel should be conducted by Sir Edward Downes ( ‘ it is clear to both of us that Prokofiev deserves what has happened , he deserved it long ago , and I 'm only glad it happened in my time ’ ) .
13 The Collector said that he had sold them long ago .
14 When his dinner arrived from the trattoria — he had told her long ago he preferred their food to hers which suited her perfectly well — it was eight minutes late .
15 They would n't have had it long enough to clear their own ground rent .
16 She should have sold it long ago . "
17 She would need stock , after all , and if the selection was n't too impossible she could probably keep it long enough to clear it .
18 Last year I decided to grow it long again .
19 Now I filed my nail this morning cos it was catching , I did n't file it long enough obviously , but I filed it with that erm you know you opened up the
20 Every attempt will be made to open up dialogue with the kidnappers and to stall them long enough to trace where your wife and daughter are being held .
21 It takes them long enough to cut a way through to the chimney of the air shaft , sawing through the rhodie branches and tearing away the brambles and other undergrowth ; then they lever off the iron grating over the shaft without any difficulty , and one of the younger cops , in an overall and a hard hat , wraps the rope around himself — proper climbing rope they had in the back of one of the Range Rovers — and abseils down into the darkness .
22 He managed to detain her long enough for them to tether the horses , because there would be no sense in coming out of the Workshops ( with , or without the prisoner ) and finding that the horses had turned their heads for Tara and that they had to walk the rest of the way to the Fire Court .
23 She had evaded it long enough
24 Cocaine debts , he said — though he 'd kicked it long ago .
25 She was barely seventeen , the youngest of the Three Musketeers , as they had styled themselves long ago ; yet in everything except appearance she might have been at least ten years older .
26 I loved you long ago .
27 That wo n't take him long though
28 In all the packed lunches she put together there was invariably an item included that only someone who had known her long ago , before the war , would have troubled to include .
29 She had not known him long enough to become accustomed to the impact of his looks , but she felt confident she could hide any extra fluttering of the pulse which he gave her .
30 He 's the young man who 's taking me to the concert and I have n't known him long enough to be late .
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