Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [art] bit " in BNC.

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1 Come on , you 've got lots , masses , you can spare me a bit .
2 It did n't look er odd it looked okay so that would make me a bit more confident I think a bit less self conscious .
3 Having said this , I 'm sure some folk would prefer them a bit tighter round the seat and hips .
4 They should n't be like that , we should , like , be able to pull cords and curtains as well gathering them a bit .
5 ‘ You would n't mind organizing them a bit , would you ?
6 But it was your idea of erm entrances that got me a bit scared .
7 So this is , what got me a bit suspicious right , well I speaking to her and all and I said , well you know , this is it and , you know she said she knows George is , is meant to be coming up and I said look and I says and I 'm gon na go down onto the floor here , and just as I was to go onto the floor there was a phone call right , and it was Alice .
8 ‘ You realise he hates me every bit as much as he hates your father ? ’
9 But apparently they know that I 'm really forward which is absolute , actually not very true cos Ed said that I was quite forward and he , I was only forward with him because the person I got off with just before him was bloody forward and it made me a bit forward but I calmed down after that , you know ?
10 Answering back I thought he could have given me a bit more time cos I wanted to say something else and he was
11 But I looked at it and I thought well I 'm being silly here because , it 's not keeping that for me , , you see he 's given me a bit of and
12 Double positives are taken away making it negative and your H positives go in here , making it positive , so you get a you get a little a little potential difference , a little difference in voltage , which gives a Any any two metals if you put them together and make them a bit damp , or even if you do n't make them damp , you usually get a little a tiny voltage .
13 Right , depends what the and quite honestly , if you bring these down and make them a bit more romantic
14 You know you know some people they lose them a bit young do n't they .
15 Of the fact that , however hard you try to adopt that indifferent expression , underneath you want me every bit as much as I want you . ’
16 Probably if ‘ Damnation Derek ’ had bothered to talk to people and get to know them a bit before preaching at them , he would have discovered that they would want to ask him some questions about what he believed .
17 My wide feet found them a bit tight , but I swapped the footbeds for the Sanmarco ones , which are much thinner , and both pairs then fitted me better — a leaf taken from Merrell 's book .
18 That worries me a bit , and yet having
19 yeah but he sat outside Sally 's and Carole said no I I I 'm you know I ca n't do it , she said she wants someone a bit younger and she said
20 There is no doubt Norman 's aggressive form of golf is one of the reasons why he appeals to galleries so much , but he might have to contain himself a bit more if he hopes to win on a more regular basis in the future .
21 ‘ Aye , got better than that , William Davies , ’ Hari said , ‘ come on , I might be able to find you a bit of soup as well as some bread . ‘
22 They use it to help prepare themselves for the interview — i.e. to get to know you a bit before you arrive and work out the questions they are going to ask you .
23 He was just one of these players prepared to try something a bit different every now and again — which is laudable .
24 I mean , I would have expected something a bit more spiritual for a time like this .
25 They 're pricey , mind , but good if you want something a bit out of the ordinary . ’
26 If one wants something a bit outlandish like , or gets violent with the girls , I want to know .
27 Or unless you want her a bit what ti , Joanne Joanne comes in at quarter past six does she ?
28 That , I believe , was because we moved him a bit upmarket in his packaging , and gave him more thriller-style covers .
29 When he got to know her a bit better , he was further excited by her strength of will , her independence , her commitment to the Irish nationalist cause , and — best of all , he reckoned — her utterly straight-faced enthusiasm for his explorations of the Celtic spirit-world .
30 It was more a family , really , than a deputation , excluding the Bishop , of course : Aethelric of Durham , whom the monks had wanted to disown after that business eight years ago , until he had had to go to Siward and slip him a bit of St Cuthbert 's best to get him reinstated .
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