Example sentences of "[verb] [art] far [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The angle was acute , but the prolific Scottish international 's snap shot roll across the face , grazed the far post and run away harmlessly .
2 The ICA saw ‘ no great merit ’ in the suggestion ; but Touche Ross supported it and made the further recommendation that each firm appoint a finance partner .
3 In the same interview with the two journalists , Wilson made the further point that he believed that a faction in DI5 had pursued a vendetta against himself and his close colleagues .
4 Half a century later , given the further demise of party and the massive presence of television in American life , it is even more imperative that presidents should be good communicators .
5 Later in the report local authorities are enjoined to ‘ maximise choice and competition by encouraging the further development of private services ’ .
6 The trading implications of this analysis are as follows : if the spot price is expected to rise , buy the far contract and sell the near contract ; if dividends on the index for the period after the near contract is delivered are expected to rise , or if the dividends on the near contract are expected to rise , sell the far contract and buy the near contract ; if the risk-free rate of interest for the period between the delivery of the near and far contracts is expected to rise , buy the far contract and sell the near contract ; and the implications of a change in r N depend on the value of r' .
7 The visitors expressed a desire to see the farther end of the garden .
8 It was a wide corridor , gloomy and undecorated and very long , but at last Bernice was able to see the far end : a wall moulded into the likeness of a grotesque face .
9 Of course , this merely begs the further question : of what is ‘ dignity ’ comprised ?
10 May I make the further suggestion that when it is all over on 9 April we get the right hon. Gentleman a new job — a walk-on part in a re-run of ’ Crossroads ’ or as a substitute for Ken Barlow .
11 It registered the further damage being done to him .
12 On March 12 the government announced the further postponement of the presidential elections [ see p. 38754 ] to allow candidates sufficient time to campaign throughout the country .
13 Silk guarded the far door .
14 To do this , an ideal model based on the equality paradigm was constructed and then compared with a neutral model reflecting the further education system as it existed before the Act took effect .
15 It must be totally condemned , because anything less encourages the further rise of fascism .
16 Yeah I think on the North Sea , it obviously would have erm an effect on parts of our business , some parts more than others erm it 's very early to say exactly what , what effect it obviously in fact to the extent that it encourages the further development of existing fields that clearly benefits parts , parts of our business that are to do with completion equipment and development equipment .
17 It was immediately assumed that Robson , who had missed England 's 0-0 draw in Sweden last month because of bruised ribs , would again be absent when his country strove to acquire the further point they need in Poland to ensure qualification for the World Cup finals next summer .
18 The Act will also facilitate the further development of internal markets with competition between suppliers and opted-out hospitals acting as independent contractors .
19 A hundred miles beyond Bahriyah lies the further oasis of Farafra , to which few people ventured .
20 If an invitation were issued , it would provide an incredible opportunity to encourage the further growth of rugby in both Canada and the USA .
21 Announcing the further deferment in a speech on April 24 , President Joaquim Chissano expressed scepticism about the seriousness of the MNR 's intentions .
22 When Prime Minister Bulganin declared Soviet readiness to abandon Porkkala in September 1955 he suggested that ‘ the removal of military bases situated on foreign territory by other states also would significantly assist the further relief of international tension and assist the creation of conditions to end the arms race ’ .
23 The money raised will help promote Medau in Norfolk , will assist the further training of teachers locally and will help provide financial assistance to student teachers , in training .
24 They 're just shadows , ghosts who dance under the shade of the spreading yew trees which border the far end of the lawn in front of my manor house .
25 To this must be added the further obstacle , that the application to Barnett J. was not in the nature of an appeal against the conclusion of the district judge , but was ( as the judge reminded himself ) a review of the decision-making process , to be performed within narrow limits .
26 This has the further benefit of helping to sustain or extend current routines through various kinds of provision .
27 There is another way of approaching the question of the trilogy 's literary status , which has the further merit of concentrating attention on its prose style as well as on poetry .
28 Psychoanalytic theory has the further merit of offering explanations about why specific individuals and groups within advanced , differentiated societies develop a variety of different attitudes to religion .
29 The wedge cushion has the further advantage of allowing the patient to see his legs without effort .
30 It has the further advantage that writing is a skill whose usefulness [ pupils ] can appreciate , whereas literary criticism is not .
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