Example sentences of "[verb] [art] really bad " in BNC.

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1 Erm what I wanted to say is , erm , in response to the lady in the red , was that a lot of feminists have a lot to answer for because , in the sense , men erm can be discriminat , well not discriminated but we can say things about men which are generalizations , whereas if a , one man says one generalized thing about a woman , then he 's just , you know chauvinists is everything , and he 's got a really bad name to him , so I think it 's got to be looked at from both sides .
2 ‘ I 've got a really bad headache …
3 But like it 's different if you 've got a really bad cold and sometimes you have to , you ca n't like sometimes you can hide it but I do n't go in front of someone I always do it discreetly .
4 I mean , to open it , they , they just sort of did n't twig , but like , they 're the sort of people that wine , cos Mark 's got a really bad influence on these people , he gets them he gets everybody really drunk .
5 I think she must have had a really bad stroke .
6 For us , all that symbolism represents a really bad time in our career , and part of the reason for us packing it all in .
7 Bassist Jennifer — 12 hours ' sleep in three days , we reckon — adding : ‘ I 'm having a really bad night tonight and I do n't know what it is , but the next person who smacks the mic or stands on our gear …
8 ‘ She had a really bad time .
9 Uncle once set the leg of a bull in Sleetburn , which must have been a tricky job , and I well remember the occasion when one of our cows had a really bad calving and Uncle saw her through .
10 Agreed , but the bad thing about the bad news is that the alcohol had a really bad effect on me .
11 I woke up , last night and Mark had had a really bad dream he was crying his eyes out .
12 He had no really bad faults but you had to be careful that nothing startled him , such as a bird suddenly rising , and on one occasion he did bolt .
13 If you have a really bad cellulite problem I suggest you follow the diet and try and take some sensible form of daily exercise even if it is only walking the dog for a couple of miles .
14 You could say that most winters in Baldersdale are too long , and every time we have a really bad one it takes something away from me in a physical sense .
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