Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [adj] term " in BNC.

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1 She had completed the agreed term of admission of two months and in accordance with the rules of the institution , the parish officers were asked to remove her ; before they could do so however , Mary Storey had died .
2 They were the classic forest hunters of Siberian whose family bands moved from place to place , camping in conical , deerskin-covered tents , the most common type of nomadic dwelling in the north , to which the Russians applied the Komi term chum .
3 We can confirm that we are satisfied ( as we are required to be under the regulations ) that Growing Business plc may properly be regarded as , using the technical term introduced by the regulations , a ‘ corporate finance client ’ .
4 Her closing call was not ‘ Time , gentlemen , please , ’ but ‘ Back to your lovely cottages , ’ using the homosexual term for public lavatories .
5 ‘ In using the neuter term rather than the particular I display clearly my own lack of involvement , and you find it odd !
6 However , given the implied term of reasonable care and skill under SGSA s 13 , both ss 2 and 3 of the UCTA may well apply in any event to avoid an exclusion of liability if the wrong substance is used , or it does not produce the result contracted for .
7 For the dramas were given the generic term of ludus ( play ) which carried overtones of pastime , merriment and revelling .
8 This projection of feeling onto a structure is often given the generic term ‘ tension ’ .
9 Colleges have also recognised the potential of HCIMA Certificate programmes as a means of helping the short term unemployed .
10 In the same way , Fanon suggests that at the political level the so-called ‘ Third World ’ constitutes the disruptive term for the European political dialectic of capitalism and socialism .
11 Agreement was reached on a number of other issues , including shortening the presidential term from six to four years ; strengthening the role of the National Assembly ; and the introduction of direct elections for the governor of Taiwan and the mayors of Taipei and Kaohsiung .
12 The first was based on the concept that a contract might contain a fundamental term — a core obligation — so that a failure to perform the fundamental term would amount to a total failure to perform the contract .
13 Finally , apart from demoting the status of fitness for purpose and reversing the Aswan case , this list does not change the present law , but merely removes uncertainty and renders the implied term easier and less uncertain in application .
14 In the example of the paperclip business the purchaser may already have its own metal foundry and surplus premises and will not wish to acquire the long term supply contracts or factory premises .
15 Now we do n't know the long term effect of that , but the experience with the protocol violators suggests that they wo n't come to any great harm , but obviously the number is small .
16 We continue to accept the long term UN target for aid of 0.7 per cent of GNP , although we can not set a timetable for its achievement .
17 By adopting the Scottish term , Free Church , instead of Nonconformist , the movement was showing that it was making a new start with an eye to the twentieth , not to the nineteenth or even eighteenth century .
18 There were occasions , for example , when the board felt a conflict between the need to distribute profits to meet the short term aspirations of the City and making medium and longer term investments in the business .
19 This is so necessary for port facilities and absolutely vital if we are to attract the long term users necessary for the prosperity and long term employment prospects of the port .
20 By now it was painfully clear that an aircraft display hall was the route for the Museum to take , if it were to secure the long term .
21 The Duke has agreed to become patron of an appeal to secure the long term future of the new theatre .
22 The traditional view by senior managers of the Language Service as a means to an immediate end ( i.e. training for a specific market or translation of urgent material ) meant that languages personnel did not enjoy the long- term commitment given to the ‘ production ’ personnel such as research scientists , the commercial section , or even technicians .
23 An appointing authority could seek to exclude the implied term by express words , but that would not be an attractive course : appointing authorities have reputations to keep .
24 Thus , for instance , a clause which provides that a seller gives no undertaking that the goods are fit for any purpose and purports to exclude the implied term in s14(3) of the SGA 1979 , or a term which disclaims any duty of care in negligence , is subject to the Act .
25 It is now clear that the variation in is greater than that of because the former has the additional term in which does not appear in equation ( 5.46 ) .
26 In this study , we report the long term results of dilatation in these patients .
27 Once an entry has been identified , the user will expect to find the complete term in order to distinguish it from others containing the same words .
28 Instead , the Poet offers the Friend a gift as one would offer a sacrifice to a god , pagan or Christian ( Shakespeare used the religious term ‘ oblation ’ just once in all his writings , for this poem ) .
29 Thereafter they were obliged to register as payers of fur-tribute ( for which the Russians used the Tatar term yasak ) .
30 All these viral infections have the same symptoms in the first few days — a patient might have ‘ flu , measles , hepatitis — ye canna tell during the porodomal period' — he used the technical term for the period of incubation .
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