Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] an annual " in BNC.

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1 A real rate of interest , which would be calculated as an annual rate per cent , takes into account the following facts : — the period of the loan may not be for a full year : interest is only charged on the actual amount borrowed ( eg not including any deposit paid ) ; — if regular repayments are being made , the full amount of the loan is not outstanding over the full year .
2 For statistical reasons and because of the ever changing pattern of pedestrian and vehicular movement at treated sites and elsewhere the first Plan argued for an annual ‘ gross ’ target reduction of 60 casualties .
3 According to Edward Altman , that would have been enough to compensate for an annual default rate of 5–6% — around three times actual default rates — so the returns looked delicious .
4 Hard cash will be the measure of whether Climb for the World develops into an annual jamboree or gets consigned to the drawer marked ‘ heroic failure . ’
5 The scientists measured concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-12 , the two most important ozone destroyers , at locations in both the northern and southern hemispheres and found that the growth rate for CFC-11 concentrations dropped from an annual average of 11 parts per trillion from 1985-88 to 3 parts per trillion in 1993 .
6 The government predicted that the current-account deficit would fall from A$20,700 million in 1989-90 to A$18,000 million in 1990-91 and that inflation would fall from an annual rate of 7.7 per cent to 6 per cent .
7 Shortly after I left the public sector again , I was invited to chair a seminar at the Civil Service Staff College at Sunningdale comparing being an accounting officer in the Civil Service and being chairman of a public company and appearing before an annual general meeting .
8 and how much do you think you would need on an annual basis ?
9 Inflation for the system as a whole , which had fallen to 4 per cent a year in the first half of 1972 , rose to an annual rate of 7 per cent in the first half of 1973 .
10 But world inflation rose to an annual rate of 10 per cent in the second half of the year as previous materials price rises fed through to final goods markets .
11 The inference that he did so by selling is supported by the incidental evidence of miracle-stories : one from St-Benoît-sur-Loire , for instance , recorded in the 870s , tells of two " comrades " ( compares ) at the monastery 's weekly market , who quarrelled over the 12d. they had made on their joint transactions ; another story of similar date from St-Hubert in the Ardennes has a peasant ( rusticus ) stating quite explicitly that he has come to an annual fair " to acquire the wherewithal to pay what I owe to my lord " .
12 Does a failure to give you a pay rise , say on an annual basis , amount to constructive dismissal ?
13 Inflation was estimated to increase at an annual rate of 4.5 per cent for 1990 , according to the OECD World Economic Outlook .
14 Revised figures show that Britain 's GDP rose at an annual rate of 1.4% in the first quarter , up from the original estimate of 1.1% .
15 Prices rose at an annual rate of 4% last month , up from 3.8% in April and their quickest pace of increase since March last year .
16 Non-farm productivity rose by an annual rate of 1% in the first quarter of this year , barely offsetting a fall in the fourth quarter of 1990 .
17 A tender aquatic of great beauty , usually grown as an annual and placed on the pool when all danger of frost has gone .
18 At the Restoration King Charles II caused 30 January , his father 's day of execution , to be proclaimed as an annual day of fasting , for which forms of service for Morning and Evening Prayer , drawn up by Convocation , were annexed to the Book of Common Prayer .
19 At the Blackpool Floorcoverings Exhibition , Stoddard Templeton were presented with an annual award for best service to retailers by the National Association of Retail Furnishers .
20 Real public spending since 1979 will have shown an average growth rate of 1.4% per annum compared with an annual rate of 1% under the previous Labour administration .
21 It dropped from an annual increase of 15 people per 1000 until now , when the increase is about 3 people per year for every 1000 already in Britain .
22 £88,000 amortised over 10 years at 13% interest would result in an annual charge of £16,192 so it is against this figure he has compared outdoor accommodation .
23 A House of Commons Library reference note on the latest housing benefit changes points out that these cuts alone will result in an annual saving of £1.8 billion ( Public Expenditure White Paper , Cmnd. 228 — II , table 15.6 ) , while reducing by about a million the number of people eligible for housing benefit .
24 In combination , that would result in an annual tax free return of more than 30 per cent .
25 This could result in an annual investment in bus fleet renewal by the public sector of £30–35 million , plus a similar amount by the bus industry .
26 The process is expected to make paper continuously available and to lead to an annual $5 million saving in hard currency .
27 Using detailed measures of land use change collected on an annual basis since 1985 as part of Ordnance Survey 's map updating process , this study will examine the way in which growth in employment generating activities and housing demand was accommodated in small and medium sized settlements in England .
28 This is much more than the duty levied on an annual rent increased by 17.5 per cent ( see Marsh [ 1991 ] 42 EG 94 ) .
29 The NDPC will consist of two permanent members -Denis Evans , the secretary of the Welsh Rugby Union , and Jeff Young , their technical director — and three other appointments to be made on an annual basis .
30 This can be done on an annual basis with a bar graph which reveals the annual growth rate .
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