Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the basis " in BNC.

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1 By that time the information contained in the audited accounts would be so out of date that it would not reasonably be foreseen as the basis for a business judgment concerning the extension of credit to Berg or the discounting of bills .
2 However , whatever balance between sectors one would like to see as the basis for community care policy , the private sector is here to stay and likely to expand .
3 This rationality it came to see as the basis of a universal culture ; the justification for its claim to define universal values , to define its values as universal .
4 Observation of one of these signs — cyclical changes in cervical mucus — has been developed as the basis of a method capable of anticipating ovulation .
5 Ramsay learnt early on the crucial importance of drawing as the basis for his art .
6 It is with Zerlina that Giovanni sings the enchanting duet ‘ La cì darem la mano ’ , which later composers , including Chopin , paid the compliment of using as the basis for variations .
7 This type of community work with refugees is in many ways similar to the organization of the controlled zones and is regarded as the basis for a future development model after the triumph of the FDR-FMLN .
8 The agreement on troop withdrawal was to be regarded as the basis for a future treaty on the issue .
9 It is said to be the philosophy of government administrators , dangerous in their hands , corrupting treated as the basis of private morality .
10 In Liverpool William Rathbone extracted figures from the muster roles which Clarkson used as the basis for the statistics on mortality , disease and desertion amongst seamen engaged in the slave trade and which apparently impressed the Privy Council committee .
11 These developments of the soil system were achieved within soil science but adoption and development of the approach in physical geography was achieved by Huggett ( 1975 ) when he extended the catena approach to the drainage basin , which he used as the basis for a model of the soil system , and attempted to simulate the flux of plasmic material in an idealized basin .
12 But what exactly was the new science of biology that Huxley and others wanted to establish as the basis for a modern education ?
13 The Communist Manifesto sets out unequivocally to destroy the very institutions which God created as the basis for the social order .
14 the lack of knowledge and understanding about the basis for allocation ;
15 His main argument was that Gothic , having been used for nineteenth-century churches , should now be considered as the basis of all building types , particularly domestic , although commercial and public buildings were considered .
16 Like Orwell , women 's relationship to miners starts from the basis of exclusion and mystery , but women live with the drama and danger of the pits , they live their solidarity with the pitmen .
17 These components are interpreted in social terms after the analysis by considering the social characteristics of the speakers who have been sorted on the basis of their linguistic behaviour into the two groups ( periphery and core ) which emerge in Figure 6.1 .
18 Czechoslovak Prime Minister Marian Calfa declared on Feb. 5 that work would recommence on the basis of the so-called " C " scheme , which envisaged the diversion of Danube waters .
19 But whether Idealism helped Liberalism and the ‘ New ’ Liberals to speak and act on the basis of a more dynamic and conceptually successful social theory , or whether , to quote Michael Freeden , ‘ Rather than Idealism giving birth to a new version of liberalism , it was liberalism that was able to assimilate certain aspects of Idealism to its mainstream and thus bestow new meaning upon Idealist tenets ’ , is not a problem of immediate relevance here .
20 The line of argument depends upon two principal features : ( a ) there is a need to produce an oven justification for practices which might be criticized and this justification must explain racial discrimination in terms of anything other than irrational preferences ; ( b ) the discourse implies that irrational preference would be morally bad and the good intentions of the speaker , and those whom the speaker justifies , are guaranteed if they are shown to differ from those who might act on the basis of irrational prejudices .
21 The constable need not have witnessed the conduct in question before he utters his warning ; he could act on the basis of a report that he received from a person who has been caused harassment , alarm or distress , or on the report of somebody who has witnessed it .
22 It involves making judgements about how people will and should behave on the basis of gender stereotypes believed to be determined by their sex .
23 A development of Banfield 's explanation is provided by Johan Galtung on the basis of his own research in a similar environment .
24 But its policies have never been attacked on the basis of her leadership .
25 This geological evidence raises the question whether any plants survived the entire last glacial stage ( ca. 125,000–13,500 B.P. ) in the Outer Hebrides , as Heslop Harrison ( 1948b , 1953 ) and Dahl ( 1954 , 1955 ) proposed on the basis of present-day distribution patterns .
26 Would you sa you know on the basis of erm your contact with , with tenants erm in terms of living in flats , are , are there any good points that people have made about living there t I mean
27 The accumulated rights , earned on the basis of Peru 's performance under its IMF-monitored adjustment programme , would then be encashed as the first disbursement under a successor IMF-supported programme .
28 For example , agricultural production might be organised on the basis of the master-slave relationship , as in Ancient Rome or in the southern states of the USA , or based on the lord serf relationship , as in feudal Europe , or on the capitalist-proletarian relationship , as in modern Western societies .
29 The sentence may occur in speech as a borrowing from the syntax of writing , but speech , typically , is organised on the basis of clausal complexes which are not sentences .
30 Carzo and Yanouzas suggested that if work is organised on the basis of small groups or project teams ( therefore narrow spans of control and a tall organisation structure ) group members would be able to plan their work in an orderly manner , encourage participation by all group members in decision-making and monitor the consequences of their decisions better , so that their performance will be more efficient than the work of groups in a flat structure with a wide span of control .
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