Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] returning [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This consists of lost remittances , tourist earnings and Suez Canal income , together with massive resettlement costs for returning migrant workers .
2 Yet a depression there was , with a vengeance , as the labour market was flooded with returning soldiers and sailors and prices fell dramatically .
3 The ranks of the discontented were also swelled by returning soldiers who found things less rosy than they had hoped .
4 This is a campaign booklet which I prepared for the RCN 's Association of Nursing Students in 1985 ; much of it also applies to returning nurses .
5 For this reason managers may be less experienced in dealing with returning nurses and health visitors .
6 Half listening , half occupied with looking out of the open window at a flock of rooks riding in circles on the breeze , Melissa was vaguely aware of a succession of faint bumping noises in the distance , followed by returning footsteps .
7 All too soon it became politic to think about returning Tony 's toy to its rightful owner .
8 He felt that the market reached its lowest point in the first half of last year and that a number of signs now pointed to returning confidence : a low unsold ( bi ) rate of 13% ( by value ) so far this year as compared to 21% for this time last year , together with stronger bidding in sales this year .
9 Instead I have included those topics which were raised most consistently by returners as a potential source of worry or concern , culled from my own background research for learning materials aimed at returning nurses and health visitors .
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