Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the present " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand it raised the danger of an ambitious cousin , too impatient to wait for the present ruler 's death , committing regicide ; and there were many instances of this .
2 Thus has come about the present status of evolution of which man is the apparent culmination but not the real summit ; for he is himself a transitional being and stands at the turning point of the whole movement . ’
3 Green was all for restoring Lord 's Island which seemed to have had a strange fascination for him , as it has for the present writer who has also , found for herself , the vestiges of the pier , the house , the shooting butts , etc .
4 The phase of shock and somatic distress is normally followed by a restless searching , mixed with anger and irritability towards the deceased , and any one else who might be blamed for the present distress .
5 St Albans is a good example of this type , if we think away the large block of building that lies between the present market place and the street called Chequer Street that lies behind .
6 Milton was advised that this ‘ will be a means to make most of the Trades fly against the present sett .
7 ( The original crypt , one of the most ancient surviving Christian structures , lies beneath the present church and is open to visitors . )
8 In these difficult conditions the question whether nick points related to rejuvenation are present can sometimes be decided by a study of the long profiles of terraces downstream : as many terraces as there are nick points should merge with the present river profile at the hard bed .
9 On Bosnia-Hercegovina they declared that " the primary responsibility for the conflict , and its brutality , lies with the present leadership of Serbia and of the Bosnian Serbs " ; in particular they were " appalled by the systematic detention and rape of Moslem women " [ see also p. 39240 ] .
10 A comparable phenomenon has been described in a transgenic mouse model which produces long segments of HBsAg including pre S 1 proteins and which eventually develops distorted ground glass hepatocytes very similar to thsoe in the present liver transplant recipients .
11 A final problem lies in the present perception of the going concern qualification 's role and in the nature of the auditors ' relationship with their client company 's management .
12 Perhaps the Met 's problem lies in the present state of museum affairs , where the ideal curator combines impeccable scholarship and connoisseurship with a golden ability to raise acquisition funds and attract and nurture prospective donors .
13 On the industry budget , regional selective assistance , which is led by demand on the part of applicants for assistance , is expected to be down next year , which is only to be expected in the present economic circumstances .
14 I have certainly heard of it happening in the present day , but the old methods are dying out as people become alienated from the countryside they live in .
15 11 , everything happening in the present case has been no more than one stage in a continuing contest between the prosecutor and the applicant in a matter which from the outset has been exclusively criminal in nature .
16 Although you look far too pretty to suffer from the present malaise , you might find it means something to your generation . ’
17 Some of this information is summarized in the present chapter , and emphasis is placed here on the sources of the pellet/scat samples and their specific points of interest .
18 The work reported in the present thesis was carried out in the context of the development of a complete recognition system ( Boes et al , 1989 ) .
19 If some of those who resist and resent the imposition , opt out of the electoral system ( and the calculation is that these will be those who are thought , either now or in the future , likely to benefit from the present array of public services ) , while others are more inclined to vote at local elections for a party which offers to cut and reorganize services , the electoral outcome would be dramatic .
20 A Suitable Boy had been planned as part of a larger whole , a four or five-volume sequence opening in India in the period immediately following Independence and Partition and ending in the present day , when the heroine whose husband was sought in volume one had become a grandmother .
21 Mr Angell responded that it would not be feasible for Moscow to leap from the present unconvertible rouble to the complex Western system of floating exchange rates , or to a dollar or yen-backed rouble .
22 These abstract generalizations take on substance in the words of many of the women interviewed in the present study .
23 One issue that can not be fully resolved in the present paper concerns the continued existence of the higher order dynamic wealth terms in ( 2.3 ) .
24 For convenience , biographies will be included in the present chapter , while catalogues will be treated in the next .
25 Only fifteen artists are actually included in the present volume , most of which is taken up by two sketchbooks by the eternally popular Maurice Prendergast , whose Paris sketchbook contains ninety pages of deftly-sketched scenes of bourgeois life , mainly park and street scenes with women and children .
26 Included in the present show are views by Ruskin , Thomas Shotter Boys and William Turner of Oxford , garden pieces by Helen Allingham and Lilian Stannard and an interesting group of interiors and architectural designs including a group of designs by J. D. Crace , together with work by Joseph Nash , Birket Foster and George Pyne .
27 It is included in the present study because it may possibly occur in deeper water elsewhere in the North Atlantic .
28 The % PV flow observed in the three patients with cavernous transformation included in the present study ranged from 11% up to 30% .
29 Patients included in the present study had diarrhoea that in some cases was of long duration .
30 My Lords , I thank my Noble Friend for that answer as far as it goes , however , is my Noble Friend aware that three important functions o of the British Library , namely the National Sound Archive , the Photographic Processing Unit , an and the er Conservation are er not going to be included this p or in other parts of London and can not be included in the present building .
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