Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] responsibility [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The local authority , which shared parental responsibility for J. in consequence of a care order made under the Children Act 1989 , obtained leave under section 100 of the Act to invoke the court 's inherent jurisdiction to determine whether artificial ventilation and/or other life-saving measures should be administered to J. if he were to suffer a life-threatening event .
2 They accordingly obtained leave to invoke the High Court 's inherent jurisdiction and by their summons , directed to W. and to her aunt who shared parental responsibility for her , sought the court 's leave for such transfer and treatment without her consent .
3 Whilst in practice day to day supervision may rest with a single partner or small committee of partners , the rule imposes professional responsibility on every member of a firm to see that each one of its offices is properly supervised .
4 In a statement on Feb. 14 Honecker admitted his " political responsibility " for the " falsification of the election return of May 7 , 1989 " and on Feb. 20 Krenz conceded that he also shared political responsibility in his position as chair of the central electoral commission .
5 No reliance on the imagined generosity of a mythical ‘ god ’ can provide escape from the natural order that ultimately insists that responsibility for the provision of the needs , for example of a family , lies primarily with the parents .
6 Individuals lower down the organisation may be given little responsibility with few decisions delegated down the organisation to them .
7 But there are groups within the University that have been given specific responsibility for certain elements , and the largest of these is the Education Area .
8 It was customary in those days for the ablest students to be given some responsibility for teaching the younger pupils .
9 Giles 's proposal to make them subservient to government agents was rejected , but they were given some responsibility for supervising the work of both the regular police and the headmen , who were now designated the ‘ rural police ’ .
10 ‘ The man 's presence in the aircraft is a matter for the airline which has sole responsibility under the Government 's national aviation security programme . ’
11 As the House of Commons has sole responsibility for financial matters , it has to carry the burden of the work on financial bills .
12 Assessments are straightforward when a child is subject to a care order and the local authority has sole responsibility for that child 's welfare .
13 He has sole responsibility for Belfast , but he does have regional directors going to but Brian tends to cover a general manager role and with with erm Dick ma , .
14 In a draft policy statement entitled : ‘ University Consensual Relationships ’ published last week , the AUT recommends lecturers officially report romantic or sexual involvement and cease professional responsibility for the student concerned .
15 The Act aimed to reinforce rather than to diminish parental responsibility by requiring the presence of parents in court and by increasing the courts ' powers to require parents to pay fines for their children 's offences .
16 The identification of family authority over children with the interests of the state is strongly aligned with the political view that the family should be encouraged to accept total responsibility for its members .
17 Canon Audio , a new division which is entirely UK-based , has total responsibility for research and development , manufacturing and marketing .
18 Notwithstanding that a particular central government department has total responsibility for the discharge of particular functions — from formulation of general overall policy to implementation in the form of decisions in particular cases ‘ on the ground ’ — it may nevertheless be desirable to distribute actual administration at different levels on a geographical basis .
19 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
20 any other person who has parental responsibility for the child
21 No minor of whatever age has power by refusing consent to treatment to override a consent to treatment by someone who has parental responsibility for the minor and a fortiori a consent by the court .
22 " Family " in this context includes any person who has parental responsibility for the child or with whom he is living ( s17(10) ) .
23 ( a ) Children in need Section 20(1) requires every local authority : to provide accommodation for any child in need within their area who appears to them to require accommodation as a result of : ( a ) there being no person who has parental responsibility for him ; ( b ) his being lost or having been abandoned ; or ( c ) the person who has been caring for him being prevented ( whether or not permanently , and for whatever reason ) from providing him with suitable accommodation or care .
24 If a person seeking party status has parental responsibility for the child but has not been named as a respondent , the court must grant his request .
25 In this context " the responsible person " means any person who has parental responsibility for the child and any other person with whom the child is living .
26 The LASMO Arts Trust has specific responsibility for arranging the festival and providing financial support to all finalists .
27 The Department has specific responsibility for senior management remuneration , management development and Group personnel policies which involves close liaison with Personnel colleagues and line managers throughout the world .
28 But he said the Government bore some responsibility for what had happened .
29 With an eye on the general election on June 6th , the Popular Party ( PP ) , the main opposition party , claimed on May 10th it had proof that the Socialist government bore some responsibility for last year 's dramatic collapse of KIO 's Spanish business empire .
30 Abdulai Conteh , Vice-President under Joseph Momoh> until the April coup , was denied refuge in the United Kingdom K after the UK Home Secretary decided on July 24 that Conteh bore some responsibility for governmental corruption .
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