Example sentences of "[noun] planned for the " in BNC.

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1 Each questionnaire also contained a specimen ‘ data sheet ’ and respondents were asked to complete a data sheet for each in-service training programme planned for the financial year 1984–5 .
2 The French government has cancelled plans for the building of two of five dams planned for the upper Loire valley .
3 People living next to the site of a New Age festival planned for the weekend say they 're in for two days of misery .
4 Electronic publishing software developer Interleaf Inc , Waltham , Massachusetts , will ship an enhanced version of its RDM relational document management system next month , with Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows versions planned for the first time .
5 The decision to go ahead with the press conference two days later was finalised ; Pons edited a note alerting his staff to this effect , called Jones on the phone to reconfirm the joint submission for Friday the 24th but , according to Jones , said nothing about the press conference planned for the day before nor of the 11 March submission by Pons to the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry .
6 On Sept. 17 the same leaders met the Public Security Minister , Ismaila Nimaga , after which they agreed to suspend a rally planned for the following day .
7 The protest walk will precede a public rally planned for the village on Saturday , September 18 .
8 If the year of our folly 1990 had started inauspiciously for me , then the Fates , Lady Luck , Lord Chance , God , Life , Evolution — whoever or whatever — immediately thereafter set about the business of proving that the entangled disasters distinguishing the year 's first few days were but a mild and modest prelude to the more thorough-going catastrophes planned for the weeks and months ahead … and this with a rapidity and even an apparent relish which was impressive — if also bowel-looseningly terrifying — to behold .
9 The developers of a new gas power station planned for the Isle of Grain have offered to plant trees in Central or South America as a means of offsetting the station 's emissions of carbon dioxide .
10 I read with some concern that a housing development planned for the Valley is to disgorge its traffic on to the Road near the Hill Lane Lane crossroads .
11 There will be no conclusions today because , says chairman Brian Walsh , ‘ the committee felt it necessary to find time for a full discussion on cricket outside of the agenda planned for the next scheduled meeting on 26 October . ’
12 All the works bequeathed by the Stangls are to be re-examined by experts and the results of their labours will be seen in a comprehensive exhibition planned for the end of 1993 whose aim will be to highlight both the international importance of the collection and the activities of Otto and Etta Stangl .
13 The news ends speculation that Argos was to move into the multi-million pound redevelopment planned for the Vernon Road bus station site .
14 The Pixel Semiconductor Inc unit of Cirrus Logic Inc has introduced the CL-PX0072 Video Window Generator I , a Microsoft Corp Video for Windows-compatible chip that features HiQ8 proprietary colour enhancement technology to provide high-quality picture resolutions ; samples from Cirrus Logic cost $32 in quantities of 10,000 or more with volume planned for the current quarter .
15 Future items planned for the ‘ International Series ’ of Revenue publications include leaflets giving simplified information on certain aspects of personal residence which are covered in more detail than in IR 20 , and a new edition of booklet IR 6 , Double Taxation .
16 Library materials , as they include a wider range of formats and a greater proportion of locally produced items planned for the known needs of known students , can make a more varied contribution to student learning than hitherto ; individual study has an increasingly important role in contemporary education , and the new potential of library materials is therefore timely .
17 The building was in fact being used for a small-scale version of the oxide reprocessing planned for the THORP complex : it has been sealed and closed ever since .
18 Up to 90 parking spaces could be lost from the hospital car park and the 86 staff and 30 visitor spaces planned for the private hospital were ‘ wholly inadequate ’ , he said .
19 This office was to move to Assam in preparation for developments planned for the Katha-Naba-Bhamo area .
20 This new residence , recently named Alexander Court by the former Principal , Sir Kenneth Alexander , is the first of a series of residential developments planned for the eastern end of the campus , beyond Airthrey Castle .
21 The result was that , as late as 1953 , 30MW sets were still being ordered , no decisive commitment to the larger sets with more advanced steam conditions had been made , and effectively the majority of the sets planned for the whole of the 1950s were of conservative design .
22 In the Criminal Law Bill planned for the session 1976/7 Home Office officials saw a vehicle capable of travelling beyond its original destination , the modernization of the outdated state of the law on conspiracy and trespass , by hitching on proposals dealing with the powers of the courts , the distribution of business between the Crown Court and the Magistrates ' courts , penalties , and a number of procedural changes .
23 The Interior Minister , Ismet Sezgin , said that the action had pre-empted a major PKK uprising planned for the spring .
24 Recording planned for the coming months include Mendelssohn 's Elijah ( with La Chapelle Royale , Collegium Vocale and L'Orchestre des Champs-Elysées ) , anthems by Purcell ( with Collegium Vocale ) , Mahler 's Das Lied von de Erde ( L'Ensemble Musique Oblique ) and Lassus 's Les Larmes de Saint Pierre ( with Ensemble Vocal Européen de la Chapelle Royale ) .
25 Traditionally a quiet time in the market place and with the majority of London 's contemporary art dealers involved in one or all of the art fairs taking place in Miami ( 14–18 January ) , London ( 21–24 January ) and Madrid ( 12–17 February ) , there are few new exhibitions planned for the weeks ahead , although several impressive gallery shows which opened before Christmas are continuing until the end of the month .
26 This show travels to the Museum Schloss Hardenberg in Velbert in the summer , and there are two different Continental gallery exhibitions planned for the autumn , at Jennifer Flay in Paris and with Luis Campana in Cologne .
27 The timetable of interesting exhibitions planned for the Courtauld this year includes ‘ Sixteenth-century Bolognese Drawings ’ ( 18 June–31 August ) ; ‘ Kokoschka in the Princes Gate collection : Drawings , Prints , Books ’ ( 9 September–28 October ) ; ‘ Mexican nineteenth-century prints ’ ( 6 November–20 December ) , the latter a loan collection which will also be shown at the Banco de Mexico , the Mexican Embassy and Richmond College .
28 Ernest Kombo , speaker of the transitional legislature , the Higher Council of the Republic ( CSR ) , warned on Sept. 14 , two days before the opening of the CSR 's session , that elections planned for the first half of 1992 might be postponed because a census of the electorate scheduled for mid-September had yet to take place .
29 You will find these a source of information to help you understand the care planned for the patients .
30 The future of a major logging , pulp and paper project planned for the Merauke area of Irian Jaya ( west Papua ) has been put in doubt after the withdrawal of one of the two companies supporting it .
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