Example sentences of "[noun] represents [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Routine monitoring represents a compromise between surveillance focused on the potentially troublesome and the need to be prepared for rule-breaking from an unexpected quarter .
2 While this story represents a departure from tradition , it already exists , in fact , to a greater or lesser extent in every well-run American and Japanese corporation .
3 I have already argued in this chapter ( p. 79 ) that the rat 's level of arousal can help determine the vigour of the OR ; and , theoretically more important , in this and in previous chapters I have argued that the decline of this investigatory response represents the operation of a process of habituation .
4 His classification into personal and projected play represents a hierarchy of abstraction ; dramatic activities using oneself as the medium of expression standing at a lower level on the table of abstraction than dramatic activities using media other than oneself .
5 There is no sense that the audience at either play represents the cutting edge of unorthodoxy , buzzing with the enjoyment of dissent .
6 Answer guide : A creditor represents an amount owing by an enterprise to a third party .
7 It is estimated that some 30 per cent of the overhead and marketing budget represents the cost of production and distribution of brochures .
8 Such provision represents the Group 's share of the estimated liability for costs which may be incurred in removing production platforms and facilities at the end of the producing life of each field .
9 By transferring the means of production to state ownership , nationalisation represents a broadening of the scope of economic calculation beyond the limited horizon of private profit .
10 Even this morning I 've had to sell a first-rate Hockney print for £6,500 , which cost £5,540 seven years ago , which with the cost of money represents a loss of about £5,000 . ’
11 Simmel concludes this section of his Philosophy with an argument that money represents the end point of that cultural process which may be described as the reduction of quality to quantity , a line of argument which was to prove particularly influential in later traditions of Western Marxism .
12 The British case represents the kind of compromise commentators on our national characteristics have come to expect .
13 It is often claimed that a CU represents a movement towards freer trade .
14 Turning its back on influences such as the distortion of art , systematic distortion , anti-photography and anti-perspective , the work of the Pop Artists represents a restoration , a reintegration of ideas which are of great interest to me and which perhaps appear extraordinary .
15 The right-angled Swastika represents the electron , or Siva in his aspect as transforming , evolutionary agent .
16 The North West represents a microcosm of many of the present opportunities and problems for public passenger transport in Great Britain .
17 MAS 's performance at this stage and at subsequent meetings represents an opportunity to raise the profile of MAS which , if we impress sufficiently , may provide future work for MAS and KPMG in general .
18 A stock index represents the market 's estimate of the present value of the subsequent cash flows expected from the constituent companies , while the current price of a futures contract on an index for delivery at time T represents the market 's estimate of the present value at time T of the subsequent cash flows .
19 Chamberlain fitted the following regression equation separately to the observations for each futures contract : where Vol t represents the volume for day t , and M t is the maturity on day t .
20 But Spender makes a leap in the argument , saying : ‘ One of our fundamental rules for making sense of the … world is … that the male represents the positive while the female , necessarily then , represents the negative ’ .
21 For purposes of litigation , it is true , an infant can and must be represented by an adult , who will be called ‘ the next friend ’ of an infant plaintiff , the ‘ guardian ad litem ’ of an infant defendant ; but such a next friend or guardian represents the infant only for the purposes of the particular lawsuit , and is not necessarily , though he is commonly , the infant 's parent or general guardian .
22 Banks will lend to all but their smaller customers in this wholesale market adding an additional margin over Libor , which of course represents the bulk of their marginal funding cost .
23 A stock index represents the market 's estimate of the present value of the subsequent cash flows expected from the constituent companies , while the current price of a futures contract on an index for delivery at time T represents the market 's estimate of the present value at time T of the subsequent cash flows .
24 Whereas in the AKT an upward trend is indicative of success , the reverse is true for the DPQ , that is , the lowering of risk level represents a shift towards having instilled or reinforced responsible drinking attitudes and behaviour .
26 For the ryokan represents the essence of things Japanese — atmosphere , customs , traditional arts , and , fundamentally , the conventional Japanese way of life as engendered from past centuries .
27 Ask yourself about the current African political scene and read round it to find interesting parallels , since Mageeba represents a mixture of the kind of African leadership to be found .
28 For my money , and at the time of writing ( things can change rapidly ) this deck represents the cutting edge in compact disc reproduction at the price — an important caveat .
29 Either way , the contract represents a repeat performance for Wimpey International returning to construct an extension to the original plant built by the company in 1979 .
30 The tax base represents the number of workers and taxpayers in the country , and all welfare payments are made from the taxes taken from the employed .
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