Example sentences of "[noun] suggest that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All the signs suggest that Christie can now reign in Spain — and burst from his blocks at 8 o'clock tonight to become the man who steps into Lewis ’ golden shoes .
2 English authorities suggest that damages are recoverable for breaches of the EC competition rules .
3 These cases suggest that animals can form cognitive maps .
4 Swindon police would like to see a day when just a handful of officers turn out on match day , but their undercover operations suggest that day is a long way away .
5 Peter Holman 's exemplary notes suggest that Jenkins composed these works in his 20s or 30s , but the quality of the music seem to belie that generally accepted claim : it is difficult to imagine such depth of repose in so young a man — though that in turn gives the modern listener a clue as to why Jenkins was such a respected and well-loved figure in his day .
6 Work done by J. Walter Thompson in the sixties , and some more recent experimental work by a number of researchers suggest that attention does vary by programme type , and 24-hour commercial recall actually varies by individual programme .
7 The researchers suggest that victims would benefit from knowing that these effects are common and should discuss their feelings openly with colleagues or medical staff .
8 Some researchers suggest that hazards ( and emergencies that might result ) can be regarded as either natural or technological .
9 The pollen frequencies suggest that woodlands of birch , hazel , oak , and alder were locally abundant with some elm , ash , and willow .
10 Both these forms of support suggest that video is a good medium for extended listening to the foreign language .
11 It is a matter of dispute how they parted ; friends of Hayward suggest that Eliot left Carlyle Mansions on the morning of the marriage , leaving only a note of explanation behind — or , even , that he told Hayward as the taxi waited for him in the street below .
12 But video films of fires carried out on the test rig suggest that alarms will sound too late .
13 Theories that attempt to unite Nature 's forces within one framework suggest that monopoles should have been produced in the early stages of the Universe : and just over a year ago Blas Cabrera , a researcher at Stanford University , thought he might have found one ( New Scientist .
14 Projections suggest that FUNCINPEC will have 57 seats in Cambodia 's constituent assembly , against the CPP 's 52 , with minor parties picking up the remaining 11 seats .
15 The data produced by Timaeus suggest that kin support has a potential to increase rather than to decline .
16 Increasing cultural complexities suggest that Lodge 's image of the crossroads might even be brought up to date — and given , appropriately , a faintly foreign flavour — by the possibility of post-imperial Britain becoming increasingly a sort of spaghetti junction , heterogeneous styles and registers meeting , intertwining , competing or coalescing .
17 Protagonists of second homes suggest that outsiders are actually saving homes for which there is no local demand , preventing dereliction , paying rates that would otherwise go unpaid and supporting local shops , services and craftsmen ( albeit seasonally ) .
18 Our data suggest that ia 5HT had no significant physiological effect on transit of liquid through the rat colon and are , therefore , consistent with these two studies .
19 These data suggest that overall between 1% and 2% of boys need circumcision for medical indications .
20 The data suggest that gender role is influential .
21 These data suggest that calcium fluxes play a part in the normal functioning of the rectum and colon and imply potential use in the treatment of this disease .
22 These data suggest that platelet activating factor may be involved in the pathogenesis of Crohn 's disease and that it could be used as a marker of the mucosal activity of the disease .
23 The available data suggest that responses to ls8 in HLA-B35 individuals may be less frequent than ls6 responses in HLA-B53 individuals but larger numbers are required to substantiate this .
24 While fluid secretion in human cholera is thought to occur predominantly from the small intestine , recent data suggest that water absorption from the colon is reduced or that the colon may even be in a net secretory state .
25 The British data suggest that people commonly think about their total kin universe as divided into two or three categories ( represented visually by concentric circles ) and these categories do correspond with obligations acknowledged in practice .
26 These data suggest that unemployment had a greater impact on major illness ( sickness lasting three months or more ) over this decade than vice versa , although the effect is not tremendously powerful .
27 Rather , the data suggest that conferral of authorship may sometimes have a volitional component which contributes to rising author numbers .
28 These data suggest that investment under the URA programme tended to be made in neighbourhoods ( and census tracts ) already showing stronger revitalisation signals .
29 Taken together , these data suggest that ASFV might encode an RNA polymerase similar to that of vaccinia virus .
30 Taken together , all these data suggest that ASFV RNA polymerase could be more similar to the eukaryotic RNA polymerase II than to the poxviral enzyme , both in subunit composition and in the amino acid sequences of the individual subunits .
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