Example sentences of "[noun] carried out [art] " in BNC.

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1 Despite these criticisms , the report stimulated initiatives based on its recommendations and in the first half of 1981 Her Majesty 's Inspectors carried out a survey of Haycocks II provision in the nine English RACs .
2 Towards the date for closure of Banstead , in mid-1986 , two researchers from the national offices of MIND carried out a brief study of the closure process .
3 On Oct. 4 four Israeli F-15 fighters carried out a reconnaissance flight over a section of western Iraq where additional SCUD missiles and launchers had been discovered after the Gulf war .
4 In 1936 the Ministry of Labour carried out a pioneer survey of private sector employers ' pension scheme membership , finding that women comprised about 20 per cent of the total membership of around 1.6 million persons .
5 Houphouët-Boigny carried out a major government reshuffle on Oct. 16 , 1989 , reducing the size of the Cabinet from 39 to 29 .
6 On the other hand , the United States carried out a series of crisis measures apparently aimed at shoring up the dollar .
7 The other said that Courtney carried out an illegal abortion at her home .
8 A tower where Robert Watson-Watt carried out the early experiments with radar can still be seen , as can the crumbling remains of the curious Pergola-style buildings which were used to test nuclear triggers following the Second World War .
9 ‘ It would n't surprise me , ’ Masha said , ‘ if Likud carried out the massacre . ’
10 Your constituent may also be aware that the Department carried out a review into arrangements for the reporting and recording of archaeological finds and issued a consultation paper in 1988 .
11 During 1991 , the Employment Department carried out a detailed evaluation of the work undertaken to date and suggested ways that it might be developed after the current round has been completed .
12 Marcus and Reintjes carried out a detailed analysis of the use of CONIT by end-users with no previous experience of computerized information retrieval systems .
13 In 1991–92 the authors carried out a study to explore the experiences of staff on secondments .
14 In 1991–92 the authors carried out a study to explore the experiences of staff on secondments .
15 The film was immensely popular and had so clearly struck a chord that Hammer carried out a rethink of its production policy .
16 At NISW , Hearn carried out a study into the provision of care in Iowa , America .
17 The class in question carried out a project on the Celts and the Iron Age , using a range of evidence both from archaeology and from written accounts of the Romans .
18 However , when Seebohm Rowntree carried out a study of York in 1899 , defining and measuring poverty more precisely than Booth had done , his findings were startlingly similar .
19 Joseph Redemayer and Joseph Hager carried out the frescos .
20 In related developments , Babangida carried out an extensive Cabinet reshuffle in August which was intended further to " demilitarize " the process of politics [ see pp. 37644-45 ] , and in September announced a major restructuring with the eventual reduction in the size of the armed forces [ see p. 37700 ] .
21 The Société des Amis du Louvre carried out the Louvre 's ongoing policy of buying back French crown jewels by bidding SFr935,000 for the tiara made of State gems and pearls for Napoleon III , to give to his bride , Eugenie de Montijo .
22 The Rev Bryan Faussett carried out a considerable number of excavations in east Kent between the years 1757 and 1777 , amassing a total of over 700 graves .
23 The committee carried out a range of fascinating research and confirmed what the public knew already , namely that the ham sandwiches available in motorway cafeterias had a tendency to be ‘ thin , tasteless ham in soggy bread ’ .
24 And when members of Dyfed County Council 's planning and environment committee carried out a site inspection yesterday morning , they realised the strength of opposition to the proposal by Western Aggregates Ltd .
25 An ad hoc Committee of the Select Committee carried out an inquiry into Staffing of Community Institutions and produced a report which received little public attention but had considerable long-term influence on the way in which the Community Institutions recruited and transferred its staff and on how the United Kingdom sought to obtain its proper share of senior posts .
26 The Joint Land Requirements Committee carried out an interesting public survey which showed that very few people ( 8 per cent ) have even a broadly correct impression of the actual proportion , and a third perceived the proportion to be ten times greater than it is .
27 It 's claimed the boy carried out the first attack behind a row of shops , holding his victim to stop her struggling , and laughing at her cries for help .
28 After dinner Mr Charles Benson carried out an auction .
29 Is it really that long ago since ALF carried out a bombing campaign during which one of the injured was a child in his pushchair , almost killed by flying shrapnel ?
30 Myddelton carried out the work at his own expense , but the city corporation was responsible for building and maintaining bridges ‘ for the passage of the King 's subjects over the said river or cut ’ .
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