Example sentences of "[noun] meeting in the " in BNC.

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1 In 1988 the Consumers ' Association found that only 25 per cent of parents had attended a parent-teacher association meeting in the past twelve months and only 9 per cent had attended a school governors ' annual meeting .
2 Four northern European pro-whaling nations meeting in the Faroe Islands have , as expected , set up a new organization , flying in the face of majority opinion on the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) .
3 We were happy to run the school jumble sale , and the weekly book club meeting in the staff room , with parents and children talking about books , was a delight .
4 Norman Tebbit had , it was said , returned to a board meeting in the City .
5 At the start of almost every Fininvest boardroom meeting in the soccer season il dottore waxes lyrical on this great shot by Papin , that winning header by Van Basten .
6 More demonstrations and clashes , although less violent , followed on Thursday night , while in Magdeburg , police broke up a silent march of some 500 people through the city following a prayer meeting in the cathedral .
7 At the time of his murder , José Miguel Mérida Escobar was reportedly preparing to testify about the killing of Myrna Mack Chang before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission of the Organization of American States meeting in the United States of America .
8 Reports of a possible attack on Kismayu by Mr Jess 's supporters came as 15 Somali factions meeting in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa neared agreement on a new transitional authority in Somalia , without a government since January 1991 .
9 He 'd gone out to play tennis ; then he had a lunch meeting in the city .
10 His place in the defenders ' final is in jeopardy because of it , for Bill Koch 's America beat her stable-mate , Kanza , on Thursday , to boost the chances of the two Koch yachts meeting in the final .
11 Then it was ‘ Fuckin' ‘ ell , is that the time ? ’ , back into the vulgar check suit and home to his little wife , who had been told that he had a business meeting in the City .
12 This year it will be held on Saturday , 12th May , at Eltham Hill School , SE9 , and will take the form of a Movement Class during the morning , Ploughman 's Lunch ( for which a small charge will be made ) , followed by the business meeting in the afternoon .
13 … will once again take the form of open classes in the morning and a ploughman 's lunch ; followed by the business meeting in the afternoon .
14 ‘ Now when I know the boys are preparing for another game and I 'm not there , I will miss it ; the familiar routine , meeting at the Petersham Hotel in Richmond on a Wednesday night , the late meal , the exchange of views as people come in ; the Thursday morning training , dashing round to golf or wherever in the afternoon , the team meeting in the evening , the Friday session , probably going to the cinema at night , the leg pulling , the nervous jokes on the Saturday of the game itself , the closing in from the outside world . ’
15 When we began to consider planting a church in our local community centre , we began a strategy that involved us taking part in as many secular organisations meeting in the centre as possible .
16 Mr Blunkett needed the cab to take him from an evening meeting in the town to nearby Poulton-le-Fylde — a £9 fare .
17 A flow chart , compared with a calendar , will also tell you if your event clashes with a race meeting in the area on that day or another big event that might clog the roads , take the public attention and jeopardise the success of yours .
18 The dome , which is the largest ever built has a diameter of just over 142 feet and is coffered in five concentric rings meeting in the centre in a large circular , unglazed oculus ( 142 feet from the floor ) which is nearly 30 feet across and which is the only , but adequate , source of daylight for the temple .
19 There is a delegates meeting in the Constitutional Club tomorrow night ( 6–30 ) and if that particular item is not top of their agenda it should be .
20 GRAHAM Robb , Conservative candidate in Hartlepool , mapped out the course of his campaign at his adoption meeting in the town 's Grand Hotel .
21 However , a paper read at the International Bar Asssociation meeting in the summer by the Spanish lawyer on the Thyssen Foundation 's board , Rodrigo Uria , and Richard Turnor , of the firm of Allen and Overy acting for Baron Thyssen , reveals that the Baron has been concerned to keep his options open : not a single work of art was sent into Spain until it had already been granted its export licence out of Spain .
22 From the age of seven I had always wanted to be a missionary and I well remember my mother returning from a missionary meeting in the village to hear me say that was what I hoped one day to be .
23 Does the Prime Minister realise that many people in Great Britain greatly welcome the fact that the first Heads of Government meeting in the United Nations ' history was chaired by a British Prime Minister ?
24 Workers toasted news of the deal with free beer at a shop floor meeting in the huge plant yesterday afternoon .
25 The policies of the Grand Coalition were planned after August 1967 , by leading CDU and SPD members meeting in the ‘ Kressbronn Circle ’ ( so-called because the first meeting was held in Kressbronn whilst Kiesinger was there on holiday ) .
26 Some weeks after returning from my exploits in Alaska and Siberia , I was invited to give a lecture on the trip to the Overseas League meeting in the Empress Hotel , Victoria .
27 In April 1911 the NUWW had convened an emergency meeting in the face of continuing delays , ‘ expressing the desire that the government will give immediate facilities for the passing of the Criminal Law Amendment Bill ’ .
28 SUSAN DEVOY , seven times champion and top seed , and Sue Wright , the English girl who ended the New Zealander 's run last year , are lined up for a revenge meeting in the quarter-finals of the Hi-Tec British Open Championships .
29 Also , it was not until 1947 , eleven years after the Berlin Olympics , that black and white athletes were allowed to compete openly in a lull track meeting in the USA ( Henderson , 1949 , p.96 ) .
30 Players were divided into 2 sections with the winners of each section meeting in the final .
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