Example sentences of "[noun] depends to a " in BNC.

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1 On shores composed mainly of shingle the amount of erosion performed by waves depends to a large extent on whether they are constructive or destructive .
2 How far the glider rolls over into the beginning of the spin depends to a large extent on the amount of yaw present .
3 " The European Council is convinced that harmonious development of the Union over the coming years depends to a considerable degree on the strict application to existing and future legislation of the principle of subsidiarity by all the institutions . "
4 With the development of computerised registers of stolen art work and specialised magazines reporting thefts , one of the conditions to be met is to have consulted such sources ( of course the legal relevance of a register depends to a certain extent on the diligence of the dispossessed owner in reporting the theft ) .
5 We believe that the protection of a healthy and attractive countryside depends to a large extent on the rejuvenation of towns as attractive places in which to live and work .
6 Its versatility depends to a large extent upon its structure , a knowledge of which is vital if we are to make the best use of glass .
7 Such coasts are often fronted by large shingle beaches , derived from the destruction of the cliffs , and the erosion of the cliff depends to a large extent on the protection afforded to it by the beach .
8 Whether it is more difficult than selling only to the domestic market is a debatable point , but success depends to a large extent on the attitude and approach of the firm and the personal qualities of the salespeople — not every salesperson is suited to such a task from the point of view of understanding and empathy with the foreign market concerned .
9 This research would seem to show that successful performance of a wide variety of occupational tasks depends to a significant degree on a common core of cognitive skills .
10 Macro-economic research in economic history depends to a large extent on the availability of annual series which can be used in models which test the growth path of the economy .
11 With cereal-based foods , fibre value depends to a large degree on how much has been stripped away in the milling and refining processes .
12 The president , according to the constitution has the executive power that executive power depends to a large part on the willingness of congress to provide the legal framework moments in which there is harmony and cooperation between president and congress tend to be exceptional rather than er a regular feature of the American system and if er the president manages to get something through congress , you can bet that very quickly the president will face some defeat in congress shortly thereafter to remind the president that the United States does not have , contrary to the popular press , does not have a presidential system of government .
13 The rate of fire decay behind the flame front depends to a large extent on fire loading , the physical state and thermal capacity of the fuel and does not appear to have been studied in the same depth .
14 ‘ It would be no exaggeration to say that the future prosperity of the sheep industry in Wales depends to a large extent on satisfying the palates of diners in Paris , Rome and Madrid . ’
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