Example sentences of "[noun] lay on the " in BNC.

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1 The defences on the Danube had been neglected , for as long as the frontier lay on the Dniester the inhabitants of Moesia believed themselves to be secure .
2 One soldier lay on the ground like a blazing torch .
3 She and the soldier lay on the grass ;
4 As we passed the dam , a little snow lay on the shingle plains and the rivers were a mere shadow of their former selves .
5 ‘ Last time we came , back in February , ’ reminisced a companion , ‘ snow lay on the ground .
6 An expensive handbag lay on the table , and she was reading the morning paper in a perfectly ordinary way .
7 A crocodile handbag lay on the table and she had just slipped off her new Italian shoes .
8 When she reached her room Lucy lay on the bed to review the situation , the main point occupying her mind being the fact that Silas was not yet married to Doreen .
9 He put these with his haul from the kitchen and crossed the room to where a pile of mail lay on the mat inside the front door , pausing on the way to look at some of the framed photographs and certificates that were arranged along the mantelshelf .
10 Rex lay on the bed smiling wistfully at the ceiling .
11 A dead hare lay on the trampled ground , its neck twisted .
12 Rory got up out of the creaking wooden seat and walked unsteadily over to where Fergus lay on the bare wooden floorboards , head against the ancient , burst couch .
13 A heavy iron bar lay on the floor beside my left hand .
14 A second lay on the floor , writhing and trying to pull the mask off his face .
15 Rincewind lay on the floor , concentrating on not going mad .
16 The Lamb Inn lay on the other side of Burford , down a side-turning off the High Street .
17 At least half a dozen of their comrades lay on the ground behind them .
18 Katherine lay on the white coverlet and read .
19 Katherine lay on the bed which had become hers and gazed blankly at the ceiling .
20 The folder containing Rory 's work lay on the seat by my side ; I lifted the file onto my lap , concealing a bulge .
21 Orkney lay on the track of the Atlantic winds : every bush in Orkney was wind-pruned ; every hill was marked and terraced with wind-stripes .
22 By the end of March about 40 tons of ore lay on the bank , having been carted down from Paddy End , and was ready for dressing .
23 She wondered , as she washed the dishes and Memet lay on the sofa with his feet on the cushions , whether some ancient warlock had ever discovered a truth drug while digging around among his herbs in the dark of the moon or even whether there was not some artificial chemical compound which would produce the same result and cause her lover to come clean about his dealings with women .
24 His gun-holster , without his weapon , and other belongings lay on the table .
25 All this was a strong indication that the important weakening defects lay on the surface and around 1957 Margaret Parratt , David Marsh and I spent a lot of time examining the surface of glass .
26 Brilliant yellow petals lay on the floor .
27 A light , high tang of fuel lay on the air .
28 The four apes lay on the floor of their cages , drugged .
29 Our nightgowns lay on the floor where you fell to your knees
30 Taliesin laughed , and Fael-Inis said , ‘ Why did you accompany Fergus and Fribble ? ’ and Taliesin glanced involuntarily to where Fergus 's body lay on the velvet-covered couch beneath the window that looked out on to the forest .
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