Example sentences of "[noun] remains [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In its current form the implant industry remains a haven for all the excesses of free enterprise .
2 My position on what 's happening in the women 's movement at the moment is that it 's really in dire need of reconstruction , and that there would be no possibility of having a sort of joint togetherness as it were with Black women and white women because of some of the things that have been mentioned already — the racism that exists , the fact that feminism as a guiding ideological force remains a sort of tool of imperialism .
3 An unblinded design was necessary for this study , since artemether is commercially available only as an intramuscular injection , but intravenous quinine remains the treatment of choice for cerebral malaria in children .
4 When the stem cell divides one of the two daughter cells may go on to give rise to other types of cell , whereas the other daughter cell remains a stem cell , capable of dividing again and always giving one daughter to diversification .
5 FRED COUPLES has swept all before him in the USA , but Britain 's Nick Faldo remains a thorn in his side .
6 But its skill at the wheel remains a matter of legitimate debate while the audience is temporarily neglected .
7 The major instrument for shaping and formulating these prescriptions remains the treaty .
8 But the political cost of displacing labour remains a problem .
9 Despite the gloom and doom , this popular annual remains a bargain buy at £3.99 — providing a fact packed review of Welsh rugby at all levels .
10 Arsenal remains a club at which standards and image are still supposed to count for something .
11 The regime was fated to end badly for both participants — but whose the greater fault remains a matter for debate .
12 But my mind remains a blank .
13 Although the mechanism of calcium entry remains a matter for debate , what is not in doubt is that elevated levels of InsP 3 , perhaps acting together with InsP 4 , can maintain a constant influx of calcium .
14 The management of patients who require psychiatric inpatient care after a suicide attempt remains the responsibility of psychiatrists , but recent work has shown the value of involving non-medical staff in treatment of those who do not require admission .
15 Torture remains an instrument of policy , death squads still operate and many hundreds of people are shot or stabbed every year for refusing to accept the status quo .
16 Spain lived through a period of being isolated from Europe and the rest of the world ; González 's biggest card remains the memory of Franco .
17 It says : ‘ This card remains the property of … ’ ( then the bank 's name ) .
18 The figures are bang in line with City expectations but still show Britain 's trade gap remains a problem for the government .
19 The figures are bang in line with City expectations but still show Britain 's trade gap remains a problem for the Government .
20 Conspiracy remains a crime as well as a tort , but the scope of the crime has been curtailed by statute so that , broadly speaking , the only conspiracies which are now indictable are those to commit a substantive criminal offence , to defraud or to corrupt public morals or outrage public decency .
21 Even when it eschews prescriptivism and presents itself as science , grammar/linguistics remains a branch of patriarchal scholarship which is guilty of perpetuating sexism .
22 But Ilona 's alter-ego remains a bone of contention between them .
23 Still a win is a win and a most popular one at that with the majority of a crowd that was building towards 25,000 , mindful of the previous Saturday 's events at Lansdowne Road where the eclipse of England remains the season 's highlight .
24 Deep down , Gould remains a conservative on constitutional matters , which is why Robin Cook is backing Smith with an easy conscience .
25 The issue remains an irritant to many unwilling recipients , but could be left as a relatively harmless result of the publication of names and addresses , were it not for more disquieting developments .
26 The most appropriate way of providing health care for older people within the hospital sector remains a point of contention .
27 RONNY ROSENTHAL remains a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma .
28 Whether she has yet reached the glorious state of fully-fledged butterfly remains a matter of interesting debate , but one thing is certain : each stage of transition has not only affected her personally , but has sent repercussions throughout the Royal Family and , most specifically , has completely changed the tenor of her marriage .
29 The extent of British involvement in the revolt remains a matter of conjecture , but Humphrys and his colleagues warmly supported the candidature of Nadir Khan , Amanullah 's successor , and vigorously opposed Amanullah 's attempt to stage a comeback from his retreat in Kandahar .
30 Yet Lynch remains a member of the church .
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