Example sentences of "[noun] provides a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For Jonathan Culler , the pun provides a demonstration of language 's inherent instability , mutability , and susceptibility to spurious motivation based on chance phonemic associations .
2 This recommendation provides a safety margin for non-stochastic effects , as the ICRP believes that 0.5 Sv ( 50 rem ) per annum would suffice for all tissues except the eye lens ( irradiation leads to lens opacification that would interfere with vision ) for which a limit of 0.3 Sv ( 30 rem ) in a year applies ( ICRP-26 , 1977 ; Pentreath , 1980 ) .
3 The right-hand side provides a benchmark against which all portfolios may be assessed .
4 Richard Fifield provides a perspective , and Peter J. Smith some personal recollections , of S , Keith Runcorn
5 This revisit study provides an opportunity to examine whether these trends have continued , and with what effects upon the capacity of families to accumulate or at least manage their survival .
6 Office Machine Maintenance provides a service for leasing , rental , sales and maintenance of photocopiers and fax machines .
7 A second stage amplifier provides a gain of around 200 , increasing the instrument sensitivity to 100 gamma/volt .
8 If the statute provides a means of enforcement then it can only be enforced in this manner , unless the obligation is imposed for the benefit of a class and the plaintiff is a member of that class .
9 Statute provides an appeals procedure against deportation , the non renewal of residence permits and other types of restrictions .
10 Jackey is the most colourful in a lengthy list of aristocratic thugs , and the Countess provides an element of sophisticated sexuality .
11 The Boadicea Club provides an opportunity for the tables to be turned .
12 Compact provides a mechanism for articulating these needs through Partnership between Education and Industry .
13 In this chapter Cecile Wright provides an insight into attitudes towards black people in two midland secondary schools ( ‘ A ’ and ‘ B ’ ) based on interviews with staff and pupils .
14 Specialists from the International Institute for Energy Conservation working with the government claim that the Thai programme provides a blueprint for similar measures in other developing countries .
15 The ESOL programme provides a gateway for these trainees into the mainstream programme .
16 The incorporation of these units in the Core Programme provides a balance to complement the more ‘ technological ’ units of Computer Aided Engineering .
17 As well as bringing girls into an industrial environment , this programme provides an opportunity for girls to see Signal and Telecommunications ‘ at work ’ .
18 This programme provides an opportunity to conduct in-depth social science research into the complex forces shaping modern technology .
19 But also the ability to borrow stock provides a means whereby GEMMs can choose to take short positions when they think that prices will fall .
20 Galerie Jahnhorst & Preuss provides a platform for a calmer but no less original artist .
21 Since there is at present only a small pool of people with experience in this area the use of practitioners as trainers provides an element of ‘ training the trainers ’ in the course team .
22 IntelliDraw provides a range of distribute operations that will space objects evenly in an area either aligning them with the top , bottom or centre of each .
23 AWI provides a set of path tools to let you define the pattern of movement .
24 i The discussion in the previous chapter provides a degree of support for such a conclusion .
25 For example , his first chapter provides a thumbnail sketch of the social and political climate of the US in the 1960s .
26 This chapter provides a summary of the principal techniques which examiners could reasonably ask of candidates .
27 This chapter provides an opportunity for us to state clearly the role and importance of the Teacher Placement Service ( TPS ) , our success and potential role within partnerships .
28 A clear first chapter provides an outline of the theory of evolution while wisely leaving mention of the punctuated equilibrium model of evolutionary change for a later chapter .
29 This chapter provides an outline of the law as it relates to the work of a hotel receptionist .
30 This Chapter provides an exception to our deliberate omission of the historical aspects of kite flying , because we are about to describe an incredible revival of an age-old practice .
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