Example sentences of "[noun] believe that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Jews believe that God promised Israel to them because they are Abraham 's heirs .
2 The Shias believe that Ali 's descendants — the Imams — are the lawful successors of Mohamed .
3 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
4 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
5 As the Opposition believe that taxes , particularly local taxes , should be based on ability to pay , is it not absolutely scandalous that they suggest that the elderly and the single , whatever house they live in , should have to pay more than those with the ability to pay and are not willing to grant a discount ?
6 Those who support the cultural deprivation theory tend to believe that education can play a large part in remedying social inequality , while Marxists believe that education is an essential part of the process of reproducing inequality .
7 But since Marxists believe that capitalism as a social system is doomed , it follows that capitalism can not he rationally planned for ever .
8 Four out of 10 shoppers believe that supermarkets selling " environment-friendly " products do so to exploit the market and not out of a genuine concern to protect the earth , according to Mintel. 10 per cent of respondents in the Mintel survey believed that companies were hiding behind a green " front " , and those who went out of their way to buy green products did so " in spite of corporate public relations efforts " .
9 Given the B's believe that A uses this strategy , we will show that it is optimal for A to use this strategy .
10 We show that provided the B's believe that A follows a linear strategy , then , it is best for A to behave in this way even if it can choose any strategy .
11 Unidroit , for example , goes to considerable trouble , by means of consultations with representative international organizations and by questionnaires to specialists and to governments which in turn consult their national organizations , to establish that those practising in the field in question believe that differences in national laws create a problem and that harmonization would bring benefits .
12 In contrast , the tax cut enthusiasts believe that income tax is a major distortion and labour supply is very elastic .
13 Teachers of problem solving believe that problem solving can be taught , that it helps people in solving problems and that this is a good thing .
14 Conservatives believe that people should be left with as much as possible of their own money to spend in their own interests , in the clear belief that they will spend it better in their interests than any Government will do for them .
15 Conservatives believe that tax cuts will lead to greater incentives and initiative , thereby creating an enterprise culture in which the benefits of growth will ultimately spread to everyone .
16 Caremore Council believe that Paul has been sexually abusing Jane and they intend to apply for a care order .
17 pluralists believe that problems which arise are resolvable if individuals choose the correct solutions and formulate the right strategies for change .
18 The accounting policy note on associated undertakings goes on to state that the directors believe that equity accounting for associated undertakings would not give a true and fair view of the group 's income .
19 For instance you probably know that Christians believe that Jesus came alive again after being dead and buried for three days .
20 Christians believe that Jesus had not only a human body but also a human mind and spirit .
21 Christians believe that Jesus is concerned about their needs and will reach out to ‘ touch ’ them and help them — the leper ( Mark 1:40–45 ) .
22 Christians believe that Jesus forgives their sins and that this is an important part of their relationship with him — the paralysed man ( Mark 2:1–12 ) .
23 Christians believe that faith in Jesus is of paramount importance — the centurion 's servant ( Luke 7:1–10 ) .
24 But Christians believe that God acts in history , so the Church always has to try to respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit in each age .
25 Christians believe that God entered the world in Jesus at Bethlehem .
26 Christians believe that God 's wish is for all people to be complete in body , mind and spirit .
27 Christians believe that God sent Jesus into the world to show all people a way back to himself .
28 Christianity is a historical religion ; Christians believe that God is actively involved in history .
29 Certainly Christians believe that compassion and love are qualities that Jesus possessed .
30 TDC officials believe that TDC is less badly affected than other prison administrations with respect to the smuggling in of narcotics and other drugs .
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