Example sentences of "[noun] held [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Paul Reynolds held off the challenge of John McPherson to put Drumaness ahead seven minutes from half time and even though a Dunmurry effort was cleared off the line it was Drumaness who squandered the scoring chances in the first half .
2 I move the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the twenty first of May 1991 be signed as a correct record .
3 I move that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the sixteenth of July be signed as a correct record .
4 There was no inclination to compromise on either side ; the Bishop thereupon declared that the thirty-six livings of the Church of Ireland held by the Presbyterian ministers were vacant because they had not been episcopally ordained .
5 Thank you Next item , Right agenda item three , notes of the Joint Consultative Committee held on the twenty-first of October , nineteen ninety-three , paper B. If I could just say a few words .
6 In November last year , at a conference held by the G M B we highlighted the priorities needed to deal with these regulations .
7 The Osaka-based businessman has never paid for Daum and Galle glassware , nearly 75% of the total of a sale which Tajan held at the Hotel Okura on 20 November 1990 .
8 The minutes of the meeting held on the first
9 Er minutes of the meeting held on the tenth of January were read and approved .
10 Item two , minutes of the meeting held on the eleventh of October .
11 As we received the Minutes of the Personnel Meeting held on the eighteenth of October , nineteen ninety-three .
12 Minutes of the meeting held on the seventeenth November .
13 Item twenty four meeting held on the eleventh of January are received those in favour please say aye .
14 The minutes of the meeting held on the twentieth of October have been er distributed .
15 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in the village hall on Friday the fourteenth of January at seven thirty .
16 The minutes of the SGM held on the 4th May 1990 were read and it was agreed that the chairman sign them as a true record .
17 The new Peto Institute in London will benefit from a Special Events Appeal Day held by the Spastics Society in their shops across Britain , including those in Darlington , Barnard Castle , Stockton , Middlesbrough , Whitby and Scarborough , today .
18 At a meeting in Geneva held under the auspices of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) , jute producing and consumer countries agreed on Nov. 6 to approve a new five-year International Jute Agreement ( IJA ) .
19 ’ An absentee also included anyone who was a Palestinian citizen and left his ordinary place of residence in Palestine for a place outside Palestine before 1 September 1948 , or for a place in Palestine held at the time by forces which sought to prevent the establishment of the State of Israel or which fought against it after its establishment . ’
20 Mrs Piper gives evidence at the inquest on Hawdon held at the Sol 's Arms .
21 Upjohn J held on the facts of the case that the transfer of assets and the making of the loan were not associated operations , so that the section was not applicable .
22 Long ago the Vexin had been divided into two along the line of the River Epte : on the east bank the French Vexin held by the King of France , on the west the Norman Vexin held by the Duke of Normandy .
23 Daniel held onto the side of the ship , and stared into the dark .
24 Item twenty-five , the minutes of the property sub-committee held on the thirteenth of January .
25 Erratic Burscough held off the challenge of in-form Clitheroe to pick up all three points .
26 While the Maryland charter gave the Calverts the same executive authority as the Bishops of Durham held on the Scottish border , it required them to make sure that the colonists had approved the laws of their colony before they came into effect ; it may have been realized from earlier experience that an assembly was needed , or there may have been some feeling that a Catholic colony would have special problems .
27 It was accompanied by an exhibition of work selected from the various groups of IAWA held at the Sala de Exposiciones de la Comunidad de Madrid .
28 [ Miles Hadfield , A History of British Gardening , 2nd edn. , 1969 ; R. Sedgwick , The House of Commons 1715–1756 , vol. ii , 1970 ; B. and N. Kitz , Pains Hill Par k , Cobham , 1984 , privately published ; MS papers of Charles Hamilton , Baronscourt archives ; papers relating to the restoration plans at Painshill held by the Painshill Park Trust and land use consultants . ]
29 Would you like that one again , In the afternoon when the sun half close his eyes , ants can be found not working , dogs in their cool places , vandal wall slice through heat , hold and let go of light in rays , in the afternoon when smoke curls like the back of a cat , people lean and braid hair , someone dressed like Christ looked in and said it was good now we have the dug out how food is presented erm can say so much , at least it does to me and , so that , so that the beginning of this poem became from er the food , piece of food held in the hand of the mayor in this picture .
30 But there is a body of information held by the county council erm on er journey to work movements in the Greater York area collected on erm on going basis largely by consultants , erm shared by the county council er and the City council .
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