Example sentences of "[noun] showed [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 As the dreamsun showed us the insubstantial outlines of the City down in the valley , we faded to white .
2 When we arrived , Helen Stoner showed us the three bedrooms .
3 When I arrived , Small showed me the bodies of two lambs killed by foxes the previous night .
4 The faint glow from a street light showed him the outline of a hedge , neat flower beds , a black oblong of lawn .
5 Their flickering light showed her the way down the hall to where she placed another candle in an alcove and then , with matches in hand , she walked towards the living-room .
6 Nor were the books that Edward showed me the kind of thing I would normally have read — not , at least , as anything more than a casual browse among the dustier nooks of human eccentricity .
7 When the head of the Commissioners , Sir Malcolm Trustram Eve , who was no man to be trifled with , arrived a few days after the Commissioners approved the expenditure , the butler Alexander showed him the restoration already complete .
8 They stamped round the sofa and did that tricky bit of acrobatics that Sid and Ethel showed us the other night .
9 Daisy Yates showed me the postcard she had had from him that morning .
10 Rory showed him the pin .
11 ‘ When Data General showed us the changeover to the AV4100 , it took an hour , ’ says Geoffrey Holmes , a former publisher of ACCOUNTANCY who has been helping to re-implement the system .
12 And soon afterwards , in the first week of their marriage , Dostoevsky showed her the stone under which Raskolnikov hid the stuff he had taken from the old moneylender .
13 Kee showed her the stone on his grandfather 's grave and Karen read the words slowly .
14 A beggar lad showed us the house in a dank , narrow alleyway where Mistress Hopkins lived .
15 Rain showed him the offending paragraphs .
16 Soon after Walter Luff 's arrival as Transport Manager in 1933 , Marshall showed him the design for the new railcoach , which fitted exactly the requirement for the Promenade and Fleetwood route .
17 The landlord showed me the way to the railway station and off I went .
18 Hamilton showed him the photographs he had taken from the German flier , and told the Prime Minister that they were of Rudolf Hess , who had crashed a fighter plane into a field in Scotland the night before .
19 He handed the sheet back and Horowitz showed him the piece of paper with the registration number of Tweed 's Mercedes .
20 Meanwhile , Flupper showed us the deadly thorn bushes that wrap round their prey like octopuses : and then whooshed us off at savage speeds — sometimes so fast he aquaplaned over the water .
21 After a long descent the shaft widened a little , and the light of their torches showed them the interior of the mine , the southern end of the tunnellings .
22 The owners showed me the hotel rooms , which looked extremely pleasant and had pure cotton sheets .
23 The IR visor of his helmet showed him the desert as if by the light of an overcast day .
24 George pointed wordlessly to an immense tank of water and with amusement showed me the system for telling the quantity of the contents .
25 A police inspector showed him the body .
26 ‘ No one was sure where to look but Oscar showed them the way , ’ said owner Celia Curtis .
27 ‘ We had found nothing until Oscar showed us the way . ’
28 Match referee Deryck Murray confiscated the match ball after umpires John Hampshire and Ken Palmer showed him the scarred leather .
29 Mary showed him the work she had done in the garden , and they talked as they cut and cleared .
30 From an early age , his mother and father showed him the illustrated books on the subject which they had brought back from London , and described at length the wonders of the ballets they had seen danced there by the Diaghilev company , ‘ when they were young and in love ’ , as John put it later .
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