Example sentences of "[noun] held [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Heads of Department held on the 11th March 1981 , reaction to this document was anxious and ambivalent , with several threads of concern emerging .
2 The digital images held in the memory banks are converted to television signals which are displayed on the monitor .
3 Thus a feasible injection schedule for animals held in a room with a light period from 0800 h to 2000 h would be PMSG between 1500 and 1600 h and hCG 46 h later between 1300 and 1400 h .
4 Turning away , Grant walked to the head of the stairs and started down , shotgun held at the ready .
5 There is , therefore , a coincidence between lived reality and the construct held in the mind ; unlike the Military Model which constructs reality in terms of the metaphor .
6 Following revelations about British Gas 's contribution to the destruction of Ecuadorean rainforest [ see ED 48 ] , new information has come to light concerning far larger concessions held by the company in Gabon .
7 His face was still , his mouth held in a taut beautiful line , his eyes as cold as an arctic glacier as he encouraged her to continue with the slightest nod of his head .
8 It was reported on April 11 , 1990 , that tapes of an interview held following the 1975 trial , between Gerard Conlon , one of the Four , and Peter ( now Sir Peter ) Imbert , now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police , who was at the time of the trial a bomb squad superintendent , were becoming a source of conflict between the police and the defence lawyers at the judicial inquiry .
9 In a survey of school-children , we might expect that the answers they give in an interview held in the headmaster 's study will be different from those they give at home , or out of doors .
10 Listing the offices held by the pair was not done for information purposes — every five-year-old knew who they were — but to assert their authority .
11 However , in December the government achieved a breakthrough in its protracted campaign to trace and retrieve the huge sums believed to have been looted from the country by the Marcos family , when the Swiss Supreme Court ruled that funds held by the family in Swiss bank accounts should be returned to the government of the Philippines , but stipulated that this could be done only after a Philippines ' court had ruled against Marcos [ see p. 37961 ] .
12 If your library has a computerised catalogue , you may be able to get a list of all the books held on a particular subject matter .
13 The other episodes were slightly easier insofar that some of the ‘ flats ’ ( the walls of a set ) could come from stock held at the BBC .
14 If the company 's business involves dealing in goods the records must also contain a statement of stock held at the end of the financial year and statements of stocktakings from which that was prepared , and , except in the case of goods sold in the ordinary course of retail trade , statements of all goods sold or purchased , in sufficient detail to enable the other party to be identified .
15 Ultimately , loans were granted to customers by means of issuing notes or crediting their accounts with deposits ( loans ) in excess of the gold stock held by the goldsmith .
16 The spare was originally part of the national stock held by the three electricity boards before privatisation and came to Scottish Nuclear during dispersal of that stock in 1990 .
17 ‘ For example , it becomes considerably easier to contemplate supplying across EC markets from a stock held in a central EC location . ’
18 The precise objectives outlined emphasise the intention to raise the awareness of and inspire the communication of information to " the WHOLE STAFF " ( Proposal document ) , and " to be constantly aware of the BALANCE OF STOCK held within the Library Resource Centre to ensure a suitable coverage of all subject areas " .
19 At a news briefing held after the raid , however , Brig. -Gen .
20 There was a special problem in the fact that castles held by the Lusignan family and particularly by the Counts of Angoulême could at times hinder land communications between the Duke 's three administrative capitals , the old Roman and episcopal cities of Poitiers , Saintes and Bordeaux .
21 Long ago the Vexin had been divided into two along the line of the River Epte : on the east bank the French Vexin held by the King of France , on the west the Norman Vexin held by the Duke of Normandy .
22 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
23 The aging houngan 's grim facade held for a moment , then dissolved into a spray of laughter lines as he smiled .
24 The German authorities denied that they promised any of payments or leniency towards the two Hamadei brothers held in a German prison [ see pp. 38455 ; 38695 ] .
25 The award was presented by TV newsreader John Humphrys at a ceremony held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane .
26 PAUL DAWSON , who works in the design office at Capenhurst , was designated a Whitworth Scholar at an award ceremony held at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers ' London headquarters .
27 At midnight on Oct. 2-3 the FRG flag was raised at a ceremony held outside the Reichstag ( the former German parliament ) in Berlin .
28 T The Queen 's only daughter married for the second time in a low-key ceremony held on the Balmoral estate this month .
29 At a torch-lit ceremony held on the regimental parade ground two nights later , we were given our képis .
30 Guests at the ceremony held in a beautiful beachside house included director Micahel Winner and millionaire Robert Sangster .
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