Example sentences of "[noun] to go on the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're after an excuse to go on the prowl round those fashion-shops again — is n't that the truth of it ? ’
2 One of the events which shook her most of all was the occasion upon which her mother gave her permission to go on the school trip to Paris .
3 With respect to the reason for Molla Fenari 's going on the pilgrimage , he writes that an invasion of Edirne and its environs by the combined forces of Seyh Bedreddin and Duzme Mustafa led Molla Fenari to seek permission to go on the pilgrimage , though it is not clear whether Husameddin means that simply the fact of the invasion or that Molla Fenari 's supposed complicity with Seyh Bedreddin led him to decide to " remove himself from the scene : in any case both the circumstances and the chronology of events in the period are too uncertain to allow one to evaluate the argument properly .
4 Then one day in the summer of 1989 — around the time that I had signed a contract to go on the second rebel tour of South Africa — I got a call from Australia that came as a bombshell .
5 According to Lord Wilson , the most recent premier to go on the record about the conventions of minute-taking , ‘ the writing of the Conclusions is the unique responsibility of the Secretary of the Cabinet … .
6 Leading Tory Lady Olga Maitland had been pencilled in by the South Belfast Conservative Association to go on the hustings with candidates last weekend .
7 An anti-Fascist march soon after the Cable Street incident was the occasion for Mosley 's supporters to go on the rampage in the Mile End Road , smashing the windows of shops whose owners were Jewish and inflicting injury at random .
8 The painting of July 1890 , executed just days before van Gogh killed himself , and France 's first historic monument to go on the block , was sold on 6 December by Jean-Claude Binoche to French banker and businessman Jean-Marc Vernes .
9 Sometimes the intention to go on the Pill is there , but it is put off until next week , or until their sixteenth birthday .
10 With no Lamb and no Gower I can see the chance for England 's batting enigma Graeme Hick to go on the senior tour , even if he has not been offered a winter retainer contract .
11 A number of newspapers claimed the Princess was forced by the Queen to go on the tour against her will , as a way of demonstrating there was no rift between her and the Prince .
12 Mills does n't expect REM to go on the road until after their 1993 record is released .
13 one man who 's been losing pounds to go on the rally is Ade Jeffries from Gloucester … for the past two months he 's been in the local gym geting fit … he 's lost nearly two stone …
14 Percentage for Art and the people behind it believe it 's time th the time has come for art to go on the offensive .
15 Now there is another day to go on the Conference .
16 She wants to run through them all and then you 've got to fill in a piece of paper on which three pieces you 'd like to do , and al you know , she wants the cheque and full details of what name to go on the certificate and that sort of thing .
17 Could you give these to Trevor to go on the buggy tonight please ?
18 Lorna Marsh initially turned down the chance to go on the trip when she found out that Bingo The Clown would be joining them .
19 They buy a cot , a changing table , a convertible buggy/pram , a baby seat to go in the back of the car , a changing mat , a night-light , a sterilizing unit , five large bottles plus teats , five small bottles plus teats , five baby-grows ( newborn size ) , three undervests ( newborn size ) , three pairs of socks ( newborn size ) , a mobile with four fluffy ducks dancing around a clockwork mechanism that plays the Brahms Lullaby , a wallpaper frieze with chickens on it which Paul has to put up in the nursery , a van-sized packet of newborn nappies , a tub of cream to put on the kid 's bottom , a bucket of white emulsion to freshen up the nursery walls , a lampshade with more chickens on it to brighten up the nursery light , a parasol to go on the buggy and a breast pump for expressing milk .
20 But she declined an offer to go on the treadmill herself , telling patients : ‘ No thank you .
21 The yard is n't the only redundant MoD property in the area to go on the market .
22 Lay the yarn on a sheet or similar ( you do NOT want this spray to go on the carpet , it makes it slippery ! ) and spray it fairly well .
23 James you 've got a licence to go on the air have n't you ?
24 He had to tempt his man to go on the offensive and close with him , sure of his superior speed and skill , because his intended surprise attack would have only the one chance of success .
25 The first major work by the artist to go on the block since ‘ Portrait du Dr Gachet ’ reached the world record sum of $82,500,000 ( £43,107,142 ) at Christie 's New York in May 1990 , ‘ Jardin à Auvers ’ was classified as a monument historique in July 1989 French museums possess only a meagre twenty-five paintings by Van Gogh out of a total output of 879 works .
26 Consultant paediatrician Dr John Holmes-Smith , who selected children to go on the trip , said : ‘ As long as they are medically fit to go on the rides , there 's no reason why they should n't .
27 We wanted mothers with children to go on the various courses and learn new printmaking techniques .
28 Next make the children to go on the slide — colour the reserved fondant in appropriate colours , model and keep to one side on non-stick paper .
29 Lyn put a cloth on a tray and laid it and on an impulse picked a small blue iris and put it in a vase to go on the tray as well .
30 Forty Guardsmen in the battalion attend the promotion course ; 4 Company was selecting their best men to go on the course later in the year .
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