Example sentences of "[noun] need [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Training department need to ensure the competency of our company representatives before the Bond goes on sale .
2 Heads need to consider the value of asking governors to establish detailed sets of procedures for various major items of business and in anticipation of possible future difficulties .
3 Retailers and manufacturers need to know the size and quality of individual local markets .
4 In order for negotiations to succeed and commercial agreements be established , companies need to understand the network of Chinese management and in particular , the decision-making processes at work .
5 The scope of the CCG role is extensive including support services such as : design , supply and build of temporary site buildings ( plus all fixtures and fittings ) , site catering , cleaning , janitorial , waste disposal , temporary power , floodlighting , waste and water distribution , car parking , road building , induction training — indeed everything that both the clients and contractors need to support the engineering construction activity .
6 Parents need to give the right guidance ’ , she said .
7 The parents need to recognize the link between how they try to manage the behaviour and the occurrence of the behaviour , so reactions like smacking , shouting , nagging , sulking , giving in , or ignoring need to be identified .
8 ‘ Effective Intervention ’ states that parents need to know the reasons for the professional concern about their children .
9 ‘ Delinquent parents need to feel the contemporary lash if they wo n't persuade their children to behave , ’ he says .
10 Not only will internal verifiers need to understand the operational requirements of the scheme , they will also have to be aware of the exact nature of the role of the assessor and have the ability to oversee groups of assessors .
11 The designer and teacher need to discuss the level of diagnostic help program support may supply .
12 Third World governments need to help the submerged economy emerge and gradually become a part of the official one .
13 Teachers of these classes need to know the extent , and the limits , of special provision , and to be in a position to identify and meet continuing needs , and to explore the relevance for all pupils using English of the understanding that has developed specifically in relation to the teaching of English to speakers of other languages .
14 As soon as a weakness or shortcoming in the system of regulating safety is positively identified the investigators need to inform the regulators where urgent action is necessary ; indeed , it is important that unhampered liaison channels allow the flow of all relevant factual information about an accident as soon as it becomes available .
15 Christians need to remember the words recorded of Jesus : " Not everyone who says to me on that day , Lord , Lord , shall enter the Kingdom but those who do the will of the Father " ( Matthew 7:21 ) .
16 The contributors follow the modern theory that Christians need to discover the areas in which the Holy Spirit has been at work in heathen faiths .
17 If , as McGuire ( 1986 ) has argued , social psychologists need to study the structure of attitudes , then rhetorical theorists seem to suggest that one should study the structure of public debate on social issues , in order to determine the structure of attitudes .
18 A good integrated package need to meet the main criteria .
19 Brokers need to satisfy the Authority in a similar fashion except that their issued capital may not be less than 5 million forints in case of a Kft and 10 million forints in the case of a joint-stock company .
20 Discussions with data owners need to address the issue of access .
21 Managers need to recognise the benefit to the organisation of their clinical staff developing teaching skills , and give them the support they need in doing this .
22 An implication of this , it should be noted , is that if firms need to justify the use of CAD on cost grounds then they can not , at mid-1980s UK prices , give each draughtsman a work-station .
23 He says a financial incentive is just what farmers need to encourage the conservation of hedgerows .
24 Learners need to see the total experience ( theory and practice ) as a learning module , and many of the topics explored are discovered , discussed , and learned as a result of caring for the patient .
25 Learners need to realize the function of the device as a way of mediating between words and contexts , as a powerful resource for the purposeful achievement of meaning .
26 In production , learners need to choose the words which most suitably realize their intention , and this does not always entail the most closely related form ; in reception of language , given the human penchant for indirection , they also need to be able to move from the form to the function .
27 In particular , accountants need to note the earlier arguments that even ‘ dogs ’ can sometimes be regenerated and that SBUs must be viewed as product groups or business interests and not necessarily as corporate organizational units .
28 Accountants need to understand the business , the people , the products and above all the marketplace and then relate that to the numbers .
29 Non-teaching staff need to share the view that children are the most important people in the school .
30 Those in authority need to share the problems of those by whose grace that authority is exercised .
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