Example sentences of "[noun] after the first " in BNC.

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1 Oppenheimer himself was refused security clearance in December 1953 , four months after the first Russian H-bomb was exploded .
2 4 months after the first tenants moved in , the builders are already back in this council house on the infamous Innsworth Grove estate .
3 This involves not only the introduction of new practices into a system , but their consolidation and continuation after the first enthusiastic impulse has worn off .
4 To return to the problem of how to continue the theme after the first phrase is formed : the simplest solution is to repeat the first phrase exactly as it is .
5 A few weeks after the first officials went into the remote poppy valley , the charity began receiving visits from Pakistani and Afghan tribesmen and landlords demanding large sums in ‘ compensation ’ .
6 On the evening after the first letter appeared , 14th February , the Institute held a Special General Meeting to ratify the Council 's recommendations for prizes and awards , which included one that the Institute 's highest award , the Royal Gold Medal in Architecture for 1858 , should be conferred on Scott .
7 Interestingly enough , the Monday after the first episode was shown , a film company rang us up to ask how the titles had been done .
8 In fact , the Chope family were apt to come late , taking their seats after the first hymn had finished .
9 Perhaps the most confused man in the Yorkshire Dales during the first frantic days after the first transmission was the Baldersdale postman .
10 Last year it introduced its second-generation Legend saloon just four years after the first model was launched .
11 Photosynthesis probably began to evolve about half a billion years after the first living things appeared — about three billion years ago — and so the process of oxygenating the atmosphere began .
12 The building was eventually completed in 1880 , over 300 years after the first stone had been laid .
13 Thus it was n't for many years after the first inhibitor experiments were reported that I actually got around to test their effects myself .
14 Twenty-five years after the first American soldiers went into Vietnam , fifteen years after the falls of Saigon and Phnom Penh , the issue of Vietnam — Vietnam was America 's war ; now it belongs to the world .
15 A RUINED castle is to be rebuilt , 750 years after the first brick of its historic predecessor was laid on the banks of the River Mersey .
16 The day after the first bombs hit Baghdad , Israel aimed a $100m deep-discounted zero-coupon issue at small investors in North America .
17 ‘ Almost 15 years to the day after the first pulsar was found at Cambridge …
18 Sarajevo : REBEL Serbs were last night roaming through the Moslem village of Cerska , just a day after the first U.S. aid was dropped to its besieged people .
19 The feeling in the dressing rooms after the first round was that one of them would collect the Cup .
20 It included £1 million for guarding the Old Bailey jury after the first jury was nobbled and the case had to be restarted .
21 The time was 1.30 p.m. , three hours after the first count began .
22 At one o'clock in the afternoon , eight hours after the first shots had been fired south of Charleroi , Sharpe met more cavalrymen ; this time a patrol in red-faced dark blue coats who thundered eagerly across a pasture to surround Sharpe and his two horses .
23 At 1.15am nearly seven hours after the first salesman arrived Mrs Donnelly finally agreed to buy a window .
24 Food is not only essential but can also be an exciting part of the afternoon 's entertainment , and most people arrange it for about an hour after the first children arrive .
25 Murray also announced that it has made a 119 per cent gain on its holding in Yorkshire Food Group , which was floated in March after the first half ended .
26 It most frequently happens in employment contracts after the first employer has sold his business .
27 ‘ No doubt he will shuffle in five minutes after the first parent comes , and shuffle out half an hour before the last one goes .
28 An analysis by the Council for the Protection of Rural England ( CPRE ) showed that less than a year after the first structural concrete was poured , the project was already £136 million over budget .
29 First , that early prognosis after the first variceal haemorrhage is not only related to the residual liver function but also to the requirement in transfusions within the 72 hours after the admission .
30 Then each man ploughed his own stetch after the first baiter had laid the top .
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