Example sentences of "[noun] back along [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cadfael stepped back to measure again the angle at which the body lay , and the few paces back along the path where the assailant must have been hidden .
2 I had my breakfast and carried the tray back along the side colonnade and down the steps to the open door of her cottage .
3 Powering the skateboard of a car back along the coast road , home to Cliff Top , I felt its wheels skittering on the damp surface and my arms yearned to yank the steering wheel hard round , ending this nightmare .
4 So you are forced to swing east again and stumble down through a dense birch forest until you reach the wire bridge , and retrace your steps back along the tourist path .
5 ’ She turned and retraced her steps back along the tunnel .
6 Instead of retracing his steps back along the tunnel he walked forwards .
7 It took a moment or two to realise he had freed her from what had seemed the inevitable consequences , but she was still suspicious as , with wildly beating heart , she traced his steps back along the maze of corridors , back to the relative safety of the main hall .
8 Piphros nervously kept a watchful eye back along the way they had come .
9 The lower jawbone continues through both the North and South Islands of New Zealand until it reaches the ‘ chin ’ , then begins a slow doubling back along an unseen series of mid-oceanic ridges that curve through the roaming forties , become the back of Pac-Man 's skull and turn back up towards warmer water , surfacing briefly as Easter Island and the pinnacles of Sala y Gomez , and joining the scalp and the hairline at the Mexican coast , Baja California and the west coasts of America , Canada and , finally , Alaska once more .
10 If you 've reached this end of Gardom 's picking at its quiet and subtle fruits en route , then an amble back along the cliff top path is a fine way to end a day at this land that time nearly , but not quite , forgot .
11 Visitors should not be put off by the modern appearance of this roof , nor by the notice on the gate to the abbey field which indicates a slight trek back along the lane to Abbey Farm to pick up the key to view St Leonard 's Church , Kirkstead .
12 Meanwhile , there were great victories in Eastern Europe , where in 1943–4 the Russians pushed the Germans back along a 1600-kilometre front ( CORE , pp. 69–70 ) .
13 As I turned away there were several mortar explosions behind me , about a hundred yards back along the road .
14 He noticed a dark bulk lying a few yards back along the causeway .
15 Thirty yards back along the street they sit in a murky Cavalier .
16 The weather was better for the flight back along the north coast , and we got views of the 8,000-foot-plus Picos de Europa which we 'd missed on the way down .
17 Gavarnie is a single-minded , ungainly village , bent on its one charge , of dispatching visitors , on foot , by donkey or on pony back along the track to the cirque , an hour away .
18 The tongue also assists in moving the food back along the floor of the mouth .
19 As I made my way back along the road I noticed that the ditches on both sides of the road contained dead British and German soldiers .
20 We make our way back along the road to the orchard .
21 Instead , I made my way back along the sand , watching some evidently exhilarated surfers .
22 Finally , frozen stiff , we made our way back along the relative safety of the fisherman 's path , with a cursory wave back to the huddled forms .
23 As she forced her way back along the pavement , laden with shopping bag and plant wrapped in paper , Meredith suddenly realised she was being hailed .
24 Indeed , the slope was no more than gentle for some way back along the line by which they had come ; but he had been preoccupied with the idea of danger in the open and had not noticed the change .
25 Anxious to film the final " fire " scene , we desperately tried to overtake the tail of the throng making its way back along the narrow causeway , but our legs were betraying us .
26 Spinning on her heel , she led the way back along the corridor .
27 He made his way back along the pavement and turned up the narrow path .
28 ’ He stood there a moment longer , watching her , then turned and made his way back along the path towards the house .
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