Example sentences of "[noun] back towards [art] " in BNC.

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1 A ridden horse which is concentrating on his work will often turn his ears back towards the rider , indicating his willingness to obey the rider 's next aids .
2 As she pushed the emptied skip back towards the scutching room for the umpteenth time , her legs simply stopped working and she sagged against the basket , fighting down a wave of dizziness and nausea .
3 Nevertheless , the move back towards a more generous welfare policy for older people was hesitatingly slow .
4 Then she followed her father back towards the flock , where the sheep at the rear , desperate at the sight of hay ahead and too stupid to look for it from any source except the one they all sought , were scrambling on to each other 's backs in panic .
5 This equilibrium can also be described as a stable one because at any other income level , economic forces will be generated to push the economy back towards the equilibrium position .
6 The road back towards the shops and bars melts into water , thanks to the oppressive dry heat .
7 Tom hesitated for a moment and then walked hurriedly on to the small road back towards the artist 's shop .
8 Interestingly , in the light of increasing central ‘ controls ’ during the late 1970s and the 1980s , Alexander ( 1982b , p. ix ) , in what could be interpreted as a swing back towards an agency model approach , argues that there has been a ‘ decline in the autonomy and independence of local government … [ which ] constitutes a threat to the nature of our democracy and to the sensitivity and effectiveness of our public services ’ .
9 I did n't approve of what he was doing , but if I refused his money I would be more and more visible , so I took it , and when he had gone off in relief back towards the dining car I gave it to the barman .
10 The drivers had turned the vehicles back towards the highway to be ready to move the moment the men , weapons and ammunition were loaded .
11 Reduce your rate of descent immediately to bring the needle back towards the circle .
12 The two-seater Chipmunk aircraft had just taken off when it unexpectedly veered sharpley back towards the runway .
13 Carole laughed as she and Laura followed the two men back towards the house .
14 Together they worked their way back towards the bank .
15 Yanto happily began to make his way back towards the home bank .
16 Nodding thoughtfully , the Doctor made his way back towards the small group gathered round the screens .
17 Slowly , carefully , he felt his way back towards the stairs .
18 ‘ I guess they 'll get round to dragging it off to the junk yard , ’ said Billie , her arm linked through his as they made their way back towards the car .
19 Finally she turned round and , slowly and very reluctantly , began to make her way back towards the house .
20 He turned from her with a casual wave of his hand and began making his way back towards the barn .
21 Once in position they were to form a cordon , await his radio command , then beat their way back towards the highway , creating as much disturbance as possible with their flashlights and guns to drive any fugitives ahead of them .
22 The hockey players trooped off and began to make their way back towards the clubhouse .
23 He dropped Charlotte 's hand , took three large strides back towards the crest , and launched a bellow of disapproval at least ten times as effective as the hapless teacher 's appeals :
24 The more rapid the fall in base level the greater will be the migration of the shoreline , as there will be less time for marine erosion to act and push the shoreline back towards the land during the fall .
25 When he was sure he had n't been spotted , he moved in the darkness back towards the Dancing Fly .
26 ‘ Oh well then , I suppose it is not mine , ’ said Lady Selvedge grudgingly pushing the pudding back towards the young man , who then proceeded to eat it in a kind of defiant confusion .
27 The fact that a majority did vote for them has shifted the balance of power back towards the reformers .
28 On her lonely perch , cut off from the amiable mindless warmth of the mob , Jess shifted , taking a cautious step back towards the edge of the counter .
29 We took a step back towards the house and the ground shook again , strongly .
30 headquarters , left strict instructions about what news and reports should be channelled to his home number immediately , and what could wait , and drove with the exaggerated care and deliberation of sleeplessness back towards the village of Comerford , uncomfortably in transition to a suburban area , where he , and the unhappy parents of the boy Boden , lived within three doors of each other .
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