Example sentences of "[noun] has [art] history " in BNC.

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1 Each element in the communication processes of which media are a part has a history of its own : the media organizations , the changing technology , the contents , the audiences .
2 The basis for this offer is the fact known by the cops and the criminals that the judge in the case has a history of giving reduced sentences and often clemency to guilty criminals who truly show remorse ; the judge also believes that co-operation with the police is proof that a criminal regrets his behaviour .
3 You see this department has a history .
4 ‘ The lad has a history of moving on in the game .
5 North Forest has a history of administrative instability , near-insolvency and crime ; one high school was partly burnt down .
6 Even the pop consumer 's body has a history .
7 The argument is therefore not about police control or a utopia without controls , but to explore why some cultural behaviour has a history of police action and to discover where that behaviour fits into police ideology .
8 This type of tree has a history extending back to the upper Cretaceous .
9 Thus , although capitalism is blamed by many workers for the treatment older people receive today , it is clear that ageism has a history which long predates this form of social organisation .
10 To this extent , Marxism 's universalizing narrative of the unfolding of a rational system of world history is simply a negative form of the history of European imperialism : it was Hegel , after all , who declared that ‘ Africa has no history ’ , and it was Marx who , though critical of British imperialism , concluded that the British colonization of India was ultimately for the best because it brought India into the evolutionary narrative of Western history , thus creating the conditions for future class struggle there .
11 The harbour town of Watchet has a history going back over a thousand years and is still an active trading port .
12 If the organisation has a history of autocratic leadership , it will be difficult to introduce a new style .
13 Border has a history of reacting to situations before considering all the consequences .
14 In the crowd scenes every character has a history — the chaotic spontaneity is deceptive , and improvisation is out .
15 The fact that evil has a history as long as homo sapiens should itself warn one against moralising convulsions .
16 Second , the individual 's stance has a history : the ‘ attitude ’ is not fixed , but rhetorically unfolds as the historical context of controversy unfolds .
17 JOHN Bryan 's glamorous personal assistant has a history of mischief herself .
18 El Salvador has no history of an organized feminist movement .
19 Based in Bristol , Sun Life has a history that stretches back as far as 1810 .
20 Belgium has a history of unstable governments .
21 In Sweden consumer pressure has a history of forcing changes on industry .
22 A study of child prostitution in Britain , America and West Germany reports that ‘ every runaway child who goes into full-time child prostitution has a history of continual and profound family conflict ’ ( Sereny , 1984 ) .
23 Ask if the patient has a history of lung disease .
24 Dixton House has a history of leg trouble .
25 Indeed , as chief executive Corrado Passera pointed out , Olivetti has a history of investment in the personal communications sector .
26 Cardiff castle has a history of more than 1900 years dating from the coming of the Romans in the first century .
27 In the New York court system , a mugger is automatically declared not guilty if the defense can prove the victim has a history of making eye contact .
28 However , region has a history as a concept within geography and it is better to use a new term than to try and alter the definition of a long-established one .
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