Example sentences of "[noun] 's attention to " in BNC.

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1 The point of this may be to draw the hearer 's attention to the way they kept on running , perhaps against considerable odds .
2 If this reformulation is to be justified , then we need to show that [ 12 ] yields contextual effects not yielded by [ 31 ] : It seems to me that in contrast with [ 31 ] , [ 12 ] draws the hearer 's attention to the fact that this was n't ordinary , plain running .
3 That is , the reformulation draws the hearer 's attention to the range of contextual assumptions which distinguish sprinting from ordinary running .
4 Again , the answer seems to lie in the way that the reformulation draws the hearer 's attention to the differences between just being gone and having vanished .
5 Reproducing these features encouraged skill in draughtsmanship : it also drew Hardy 's attention to the abundance of detail and sheer exuberance of Gothic style , characterised by Ruskin as ‘ fancifulness , love of variety , love of richness ’ .
6 The form of the committal order should be amended to draw the contemnor 's attention to his right to apply to purge his contempt .
7 ( 2 ) The form of committal order should be amended to draw the contemnor 's attention to his right to apply to the court to purge his contempt .
8 Although the location of the British National party office is a matter for Bexley council , we have drawn the council 's attention to the laws available to deal with racial hatred .
9 When she was not drawing Frank 's attention to Vicky 's faults , she was correcting him for his , her high-pitched voice shrill with reprimand .
10 On page eight , item one three two , can I draw committee 's attention to , says she , feverishly flicking through the pieces of paper , to a letter that John Patten has written to us , you 'll see what we asked Amanda to do on our behalf , Amanda Root , Women 's Sub also asked her to do that , and John Patten , surprisingly enough has written back , his private secretary has written back , she continues to say , ‘ Mr Patten is used to getting communications from Chief Officers conveying the views of committees , he has never had any correspondence from Sub-Committees through other officers ’ .
11 From 1782 to 1786 the headmaster was William Taylor , who seems to have been responsible for directing Wordsworth 's attention to poetry .
12 There was no point in calling Mrs Browning 's attention to the deeper implications of her statement — she would only take it ill .
13 It needed re-emphasising that it was the duty of counsel to draw the judge 's attention to any omission to direct the jury on the burden of proof or on any other essential matter of law : Donoghue ( above ) at p. 271 per Watkins L.J .
14 But it 's important too to draw the child 's attention to the patterns of spelling , and to show him how to analyse words .
15 However , the Road Traffic Act of 1982/3 did not allow for Zone signs to be introduced even on a temporary basis , so it was necessary for an information sign to be erected at every junction , showing not only a 30 km/h speed limit , but also drawing the driver 's attention to the changed priority ( right before left ) .
16 As the train approached the main line , from the sidings , the locomotive 's second man drew the driver 's attention to the shadowy figure of a tramp walking along the line in front of them .
17 A few weeks earlier that same candidate had drawn the member of parliament 's attention to ‘ one David Denholm an old worn out officer at Thorntonloch nigh Dunglass in East Lothian who is about being supperannuated ’ .
18 VFM studies are designed to bring Parliament 's attention to any area of potential improvement , including staffing , control and assessment procedures .
19 A definite tick in the margin here for the quality of the fretwork ; I was impressed by SGC 's attention to this important , and often hurriedly-finished feature .
20 Anna allowed herself to believe Vronsky 's attention to her displeased her but before she even encouraged him she realised that sadly this ‘ persecution ’ was the sole interest of her life .
21 He was briefly silent , and they both gave a moment 's attention to the incongruity of a particularly poignant song succeeding the somewhat crass commercial .
22 Coleridge himself long believed that he was born on 20 October , but his father , with a clergyman 's attention to such matters , recorded in the parish register that the true date was 21 October ‘ about eleven o'clock in the forenoon ’ .
23 The main problem here is that his mother has not managed to gain Darren 's attention to her signal that the reward is available .
24 May I also draw the right hon. Gentleman 's attention to the personal circumstances of a friend whose wife is suffering from serious cancer ?
25 As the population becomes older , it also becomes wealthier and I draw the hon. Gentleman 's attention to the fact that the average pensioner has increased his or her income by 33 per cent .
26 I direct the right hon. and learned Gentleman 's attention to the Government 's overall spending on research and development .
27 I draw the hon. Gentleman 's attention to the fact that we are debating an amendment to the motion on the Queen 's Speech .
28 I draw the hon. Gentleman 's attention to the fact that the Question will be put from the Chair at the appropriate moment , That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House .
29 Can I direct the hon. Gentleman 's attention to the Islington crime survey , which gives rather different evidence about how much crime is being committed and how much it is rising ?
30 I would also draw my hon. Friend 's attention to our planning circular 7/91 in which we have encouraged local authorities to identify housing need in their areas and then , when private developers bring forward proposals for new housing , to negotiate with them an element of affordable housing in their developments .
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