Example sentences of "[noun] to health [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Editor , — In addition to the risks to health care staff and patients from HIV and hepatitis B outlined by the Joint Working Party of the Hospital Infection Society and the Surgical Infection Study Group , during ‘ invasive procedures ’ there is also a risk of transmission from health care staff to patients .
2 Their belief that government activism can lead to benign policy changes has been echoed in the priority given by the administration to health care reform .
3 The right to health protection and safety at work .
4 The course is designed to provide members of the professions allied to medicine with the scientific skills , knowledge and their appliction to relevant clinical practice in their field in order to be better able to evaluate their effectiveness of their contributions to health care services .
5 This book draws on the author 's experience of teaching health policy for many years to health service practitioners , and a keen awareness of how successive " reorganisations " appear to those delivering patient care in hospital wards and in the community .
6 SENIOR consultants have challenged management to come clean over changes to health care in the NorthEast .
7 Here the aims were three-fold : curbing expenditure , raising standards and giving greater emphasis to health promotion and illness prevention .
8 Another fact that is also overlooked is that in most other European countries , people must make contributions , for example to health care , which do not arise here .
9 He could never have taken his urine and faeces samples once a week to Health Physics .
10 To gather information on the future needs of teachers with respect to health education , respondents were asked to rank five areas of support in order of importance .
11 The schools were not a strict random sample since in two of the areas schools were approached because of their past commitment to health education .
12 The Conservative government not only showed its willingness to challenge general practice and scrutinise its procedures and use of resources but also a strengthened commitment to health promotion .
13 This measure may be of use to health care planners , but , even if it is eventually validated and accepted as an equitable way of allocating resources , it will be of little help to general practitioners , whose decisions are mostly concerned with managing self limiting minor illnesses .
14 This is not an outcome that everyone would welcome , and it would bring a series of difficulties in its train as inequalities of income would lead to even greater inequalities in access to health care and education ; but it is a plausible outcome , and would increase the likelihood of the continuance of the Employment Society .
15 Then Harris Wofford upset a popular Republican senator in Pennsylvania , a victory largely due to Wofford 's campaign slogan , ‘ Universal access to health care . ’
16 Access to health care insurance is driven by the cost of coverage , which in turn is driven by the cost of care .
17 These revenues will probably be used to increase middle class access to health care by providing tax credits to small businesses in a managed competition ‘ play or pay ’ system .
18 Regarding access to health care , we meet the fact that women usually live longer than men .
19 The FMLN has argued that , no matter what type of medicine one practises , if health knowledge , skills and resources are sold on the market as commodities this will necessarily limit access to health care , fragment and distort the nature of the health process , constrain the relation between health workers and users , and undermine people 's control over their health .
20 UNICEF figures show that 66 percent of the population have no access to health care .
21 Since 1977/8 , funding for hospital and community health services ( about £9 milliards for England alone in 1985/6 ) has been determined according to a formula named after the acronym of the Resource Allocation Working Party ( RAWP ) , which had the avowed aim of eventually achieving ‘ equal opportunity of access to health care for people at equal risk ’ ( DHSS , 1976b ) .
22 Since the wealthy are also likely to be more healthy the scheme also reduces equity of access ; the more healthy are ensured privileged access to health care at the expense of those whose need is greater .
23 The greatest reform in access to health care was the setting up of the National Health Service in 1948 .
24 If cash followed patients in ways that reflected the preferences of consumers informed by their family doctor , it would be possible to combine the virtues of consumer choice and free access to health care , and avoid the high cost of the American system of private health insurance .
25 These interviews concentrate on the impact of new agricultural inputs on women 's work , changes in the arrangement of marriages ( including dowry payments ) and differences in women 's access to health care particularly in relation to pregnancy and childbirth .
26 The high death toll associated with cholera cases in Africa was described by WHO officials as the result of poverty , mass migration to areas with inadequate sanitation , and limited access to health care .
27 An international study , published on Sept. 17 in the US New England Journal of Medicine , showed that the death rate among Iraqi children under the age of five had tripled after the Gulf war owing to a dramatic increase in disease and malnutrition and reduced access to health care .
28 The same themes of consumerism and better " value for money " through stronger management which characterised policy in the hospital and community health sector are also reflected in government aims for primary care , with the additional aim of giving higher priority to health promotion and illness prevention .
29 With the passing of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 , the 1982 Act was amended to allow the Audit Commission to become responsible for the appointment of auditors to health service bodies .
30 In addition to Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley 's well publicised and controversial statement that elder abuse was not a ‘ major problem ’ is the worrying view from junior health minister Tim Yeo who said last year : ‘ In a very small number of cases the carer can not cope and responds with violence . ’
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