Example sentences of "[noun] to [art] public " in BNC.

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1 Some restrictive measures require very careful consideration so that they do not cause increased health risks to the public .
2 Safety standards for future nuclear power stations should be set so that risks to the public are ten times smaller than the danger of a road accident , according to new proposals published by the Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) , the British industrial safety regulatory body .
3 We have been offering similar sessions to the public for the past 18 months .
4 And er introduce the candidates to the public you know , over the balcony when they 're elected .
5 ‘ In Rockingham Forest , ’ they said , ‘ where the Crown has little property left , where a considerable part of the Land is already in Tillage or pasture , and the Country pretty fully inhabited , it can not be desirable that those ( Forest ) Laws should be continued ’ : their ‘ Restraints and Burthens … by impeding its Improvement , must be a loss to the Public as well as to the Proprietors ’ .
6 That cabinet came as a huge disappointment to the public and opposition , contributing much to the present unstable atmosphere .
7 It would be terrible disappointment to the public .
8 On the 15th , 16th and 17th of May they are opening the trade warehouse to the public .
9 With so much data being reported for so many pollutants and with the news media and control agencies employing diverse terms to describe air quality , some degree of confusion to the public is inevitable .
10 Unlike the investment trust , the unit trust can not raise capital by selling debt , its capital rises ( falls ) with the sale ( redemption ) of units to the public .
11 What is the nature of media coverage of fraud , and what are the principal problems of communicating frauds to the public ?
12 In recent years this department has been busier repaying savings to the public than attracting them .
13 He quoted Lord Atkin that the doctrine of public policy ‘ should only be invoked in clear cases in which the harm to the public is substantially incontestable , and does not depend upon the idiosyncratic inferences of a few judicial minds ’ .
14 ICI has found a successful way of dealing with this waste without causing any harm to the public in the form of emissions from incineration , so perhaps there is good news to come .
15 And they are made largely through promotion … successful promotion through movies , television and various tie-ins in turn , guarantee the sale of books to the public ’ , then the Torstar corporation has the resources for that promotion .
16 They are designed to ensure that authors receive recompense for the free provision of their books to the public by libraries .
17 The fact that architecture can be entertaining and provide pleasure to the public is not in direct conflict with the art of architecture .
18 Greater access for walkers to forest areas is beneficial not detrimental claimed the Forestry Commission ( FC ) at the launch of a booklet intended to persuade owners and managers to open up their woodland areas to the public .
19 This was due to the fact that the opening of the bar to the public was merely incidental to the existing use of the premises as a hotel .
20 He continued to work hard and regularly up to his death not just at the drawing and painting he loved but also at the mechanics of his etching and the presentation of his work to the public .
21 At a time when galleries are feeling the financial squeeze and playing safe with established artists , or even closing altogether , showing and selling work to the public from one 's own studio is an attractive option for artists .
22 Westcountry Television is shortlisting agencies for a national and regional campaign to launch the new ITV franchisee to the public and business communities before its January screen debut .
23 ONE of the UK 's largest nursing-homes operators is planning to join the stock market via a share offering before 31 May to the public valuing it at more than £100 million .
24 Measures have been announced to increase the benefit to the public from works of art and other objects that have been granted conditional exemption from inheritance tax ( p 100 ) .
25 Measures have been announced to increase the benefit to the public from works of art and other objects that have been granted conditional exemption from inheritance tax .
26 The benefit to the public accruing from the activity in question was an important element in both Read v. Lyons and Dunne v. North Western Gas Board and was again emphasised in British Celanese Ltd .
27 To re-define charity by statute on the lines of existing law would not be easy and might well confuse rather than clarify the law , for the essential difficulties connected with benefit to the public require more explanation and analysis than is convenient in an Act of Parliament .
28 The fourth earl died in 1851 and his successor retrenched on expenditure , opened the gardens to the public , and instructed Barron to develop a commercial nursery at the garden .
29 So to raise funds , some of the villagers are opening their gardens to the public on Saturday .
30 The fiction is that those state agencies are able to and do exert democratic influences ; or at least , they impose a measure of accountability to the public .
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