Example sentences of "[noun] in previous years " in BNC.

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1 A keen interest this weekend will be on how Seve Ballesteros , the inspiration of Europe 's side in previous years , fares .
2 ‘ Having had some excellent performances in previous years , 1991 has certainly been a setback .
3 Waterford Crystal recorded an operating profit in 1992 of IR£0.5 million compared with a loss of IR£1.2 million in 1991 and substantial losses in previous years .
4 But , what we would say to you I think this morning , Chair , is that in your officers ' view erm , yes , we think it is sensible to go forward and manage on the basis of five hundred thousand pounds addition towards that shortfall , we become increasingly nervous if that five hundred thousand pounds is reduced , and because of the uncertainty , again later in the papers you will see still have some contingencies that you could use from savings in previous years , and we will be strongly recommending to you that you retain some of those contingencies because of the uncertainty that still attaches to demands in the community care grants .
5 In essentials it embodied the proposals put forward by the Peoples Front Propaganda Committee and by G.D.H. Cole in previous years .
6 Analysis of a sample of one in 12 claim forms for night visits submitted over one year beginning 1 July 1991 , and estimation of the number of night visits in previous years from data on payment .
7 This journal was founded in 1965 by the geological societies of Edinburgh and Glasgow , each of which had published their own series of Transactions in previous years .
8 This journal was founded in 1965 by the geological societies of Edinburgh and Glasgow , each of which had published their own series of Transactions in previous years .
9 The men 's semi-final features three teams who may hold a key advantage , in that they have experienced the tension and excitement of the Vauxhall finals in previous years .
10 ‘ We have identified three different individuals that have been seen in Puget Sound in previous years , two of which were spotted in the area of the pits . ’
11 These figures suggest that there was also some degree of undervaluation of exports and imports in terms of dinars in previous years , although the amount may well have varied with the rate of depreciation of the dinar .
12 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
13 Conservationists could discover whether old wooden buildings are still sound , and obtain , into the bargain , information on climatic changes in previous years .
14 Due to staff shortages and changes in previous years , a backlog of about 25,000 withdrawals from the SUC had accumulated .
15 They have been backing smaller movies in previous years , but now things are changing .
16 However , in case you think it 's that simple , terminal bonuses , supposedly surplus profits earned from investments in previous years , have varied in their direction simultaneously from life office to life office .
17 The G-MEX venue of the 1992 Exhibition is a better and more accessible venue , with all the exhibitors being in one giant hall , rather than being spread between two small halls as has been the case in previous years .
18 They have applied to take part in the race several times in previous years but without success .
19 The Ulster ceasefire was not unexpected — there have been Christmas truces in previous years .
20 But Kinnear believes his team 's experience at clawing their way out of trouble in previous years will serve them well in their latest survival struggle .
21 The latest figures show that the number of crimes in the county are down by 0.2 percent … a small amount but heartening news after soaring crime rates in previous years .
22 Despite a concomitant drop in household disposable incomes , some sectors did report significant increases in spending — during the third quarter of 1989 , new car registrations recorded 20-30 per cent rises above levels in previous years .
23 Therefore , on 13 February 1991 , I tabled a written question : ’ To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many general practitioners in previous years , in complying with his wishes to move to use computers , applied for a grant for the installation of a computer system that was above the figure of payment set out in the published computer cost reimbursement schedule . ’
24 The final stage is to link the movement of prices in 1985 to the movement of prices in previous years back to the base date which in 1985 was 15 January 1974 .
25 Turnover shall represent the net value of deliveries made , or services rendered and includes adjustments arising from the use of estimated prices in previous years .
26 Mr Fallon was told some forces in previous years have not been able to take up the extra posts , which have then been redistributed to other places .
27 All who have received watches in previous years were invited together with the families and friends of those being presented .
28 THE third-biggest expenditure in America 's federal budget , behind health care and defence , is the cost of servicing the public debt run up by Americans in previous years .
29 ‘ The pits are so dramatic , and there 's so many of them , that we feel someone would have noticed if the whales had been there in such numbers in previous years . ’
30 The Conservatives , after flirting with the idea of a Labour style ‘ shadow ’ agency of volunteers , is back with Saatchi , but a Saatchi where many of the key personnel who worked on the Tory account in previous years ( notably Michael Dobbs , the agency 's former deputy chairman and once a Tory Central Office staffer himself ) have departed .
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