Example sentences of "[noun] for a successful " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime , I would like extend good wishes for a successful Annual General Meeting .
2 We send you our best wishes for a successful Conference .
3 My advice to the Government is that they can not sort out the problem this side of a general election , so why not get on with the job of laying the long-term foundations for a successful economy ?
4 Another crucial component for a successful campaign against racial violence is the councils ability to take action against the perpetrators , as an expression of its political will to combat racial harassment .
5 We would like to congratulate all the new members and wish them and the producers good luck for a successful and enjoyable year .
6 He had reached that most difficult of ages for a successful actor , his forties .
7 A further search for a successful algorithm — probably for a more suitable prime — is indicated in a case like this .
8 The most basic criterion for a successful design is that it satisfies the functional constraints imposed .
9 To maintain and enhance its international reputation , RSRE demands a high-standard of recruit , but in return offers excellent opportunities for a successful and rewarding career .
10 It will be argued that the circumstances of Nepal and Zambia are not unusual in that a set of political preconditions for a successful soil conservation policy are not present , and only exist in very rare circumstances ( the most outstanding examples being the Republic of South Africa , and South Korea ) .
11 All in all , as Reagan prepared to take office the omens for a successful presidency did not look particularly good .
12 A dwindling of public support both North and South making it virtually impossible for men to operate on Guerrilla lines — one of the basic ingredients for a successful guerrilla campaign is the support of wide sections of the people .
13 Although many of the main ingredients for a successful first challenge from Spain are clearly in place , a question mark hangs over the afterguard of the boat .
14 LADIES and Gentlemen , in summary , I 'd like to offer you five Ts as ingredients for a successful future in infill .
15 He is more hesitant , however , about including an aptitude for leadership among the prerequisites for a successful captain of industry .
16 Dame Gillian Brown thanked the speakers with great enthusiasm , congratulated the Principal on ensuring the succession , and also thanked Patricia Hutchinson and Mary Keen for a successful meeting , and the University Womens ' Club ( worth joining even if it is known as Pussy Cat Hall by my irreverent 88 year old cousin , a St. Hugh 's gal ) gave us rather a good tea .
17 A tiny fraction of this amount could be the basis for a successful third-world weapons programme .
18 ‘ The merger provides the potential for developing more business than we would have achieved separately and I am confident that we have the basis for a successful future .
19 Hardly a good basis for a successful partnership . ’
20 From the authors ' experiences there are many possibilities for a successful community aquarium .
21 If private capital can be attracted — and I believe it could to the right project — it seems to me entirely right that we should do what we can as Government to create the right climate for a successful link to be built .
22 It is thought that molecules must collide with each other in a favourable spacial orientation for a successful reaction to occur .
23 In a type-D culture we have no doubt the best conditions for a successful idea-handling system , one that brings forth both improvements and new concepts .
24 In an age of rapidly-changing methods and technology , perception and adaptability are prime requisites for a successful applicant for employment .
25 In reply to the Vice-Chancellor 's words of thanks , Michael coupled his toast to the future prosperity of the University with his wish for a successful launch of the Campaign for Resource .
26 The goals and objectives for a successful programme of library user education must be based on a synthesis of the needs of students , academic staff and library staff .
27 ‘ The likelihood here is that , as fast as the working class catches up at O level , qualifications required in the labour market will move upwards with A levels becoming the key qualifications for a successful career in the salariat ’ ( Anthony Heath , ‘ Class in the classroom , ’ New Society , 17 July 1987 , p. 15 ) .
28 As an alternative , it is suggested that simpler techniques involving the processing of machine-readable dictionaries and data within the text itself are more practical , and offer better prospects for a successful implementation .
29 The company 's quest for a successful global strategy was given added urgency on May 25th , when AT&T unveiled its own global offering , WorldSource .
30 Now , certainly , there is scope for cooperation and agreement between industry and government over the essential pre-conditions for a successful national industrial base .
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