Example sentences of "[noun] for a democratic " in BNC.

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1 The party endorsed calls for a democratic multiparty system and a " complete and irreversible break with the communist system and its ideology " .
2 I hope that every step will be taken to negotiate the best possible deal for a democratic future for Hong Kong .
3 Only the deputies from the left-wing opposition groups were present for a June 2 session , boycotted by factions loyal to President Landsbergis and Prime Minister Gediminas Vagnorius ( the Sajudis Coalition for a Democratic Lithuania ) .
4 THE interception of communications gives rise to something of a dilemma for a democratic society .
5 While making no secret of the Federal Republic 's readiness to provide massive aid for a democratic East Germany , the Chancellor emphasised that virtually all of eastern Europe , from Poland to Yugoslavia , would have a claim of the support and solidarity of Western Europe .
6 Should not we support the negotiating process now under way through the Conference for a Democratic South Africa , and so secure the maintenance of international pressure for rapid progress towards a new , genuinely democratic constitutional order ?
7 Through the whole of their period in office , the Government have supported efforts to do away with apartheid and to ensure that when change came with President de Klerk , there would be a start towards a new constitution and the transitional arrangements that are now being discussed within the Conference for a Democratic South Africa .
8 Currently the only group claiming to be a nationwide opposition party was the Association for a Yugoslav Democratic Initiative [ referred to on p. 36470 as the Initiative for a Democratic Yugoslavia ] .
9 The internal power struggle over constitutional and economic reform within Slovakia 's ruling Public Against Violence ( VPN or PAV ) came to a head on March 6 when the Prime Minister , Vladimir Meciar , announced the formation of a separate minority faction , to be known as Platform for a Democratic Slovakia .
10 This proposal , already rejected by Havel and Czech political forces and the pro-federation wing of the VPN , subsequently gained the backing of Meciar 's Platform for a Democratic Slovakia [ see above ] .
11 On April 24 tens of thousands of people took part in a rally organized by Meciar 's Platform for a Democratic Slovakia faction .
12 The Platform for a Democratic Slovakia formally split from PAV at an extraordinary PAV congress in Kosice on April 27 .
13 The MFDS had developed from the Platform for a Democratic Slovakia , which had split from the Public Against Violence ( then the dominant party in the ruling Slovak coalition ) on April 27 after the dismissal of Meciar as Slovak Prime Minister [ see p. 38161 ] .
14 On March 6 , 1991 , the then Prime Minister of Slovakia , Vladimir Meciar , announced the formation of a minority faction , Platform for a Democratic Slovakia , within the ruling Public Against Violence ( PAV ) [ see p. 38106 ] .
15 The split between Meciar 's Platform for a Democratic Slovakia and PAV was formalized later in the same month .
16 Two main opposition groups operate from exile : ( i ) Alliance pour une Mauritanie démocratique ( AMD — the Alliance for a Democratic Mauritania ) ; ( ii ) Organisation des nationalistes mauritaniens ( ONM — Organization of Mauritanian Nationalists ) .
17 The Nobel committee said it was given for their work towards a peaceful ending of apartheid and for laying the foundation for a democratic South Africa .
18 This was still a far cry from pacifist arguments for a democratic diplomacy capable of imposing peace without victory .
19 After Asturias , the prospects for a democratic Republic were even bleaker than before .
20 Dubcek faced calls from right-wing forces for his resignation as Assembly Chairman in view of his " practical support " for the opposition party Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , a group which had split from VPN in March 1991 [ see p. 38106 ] .
21 Leading Slovak politicians , including Vladimir Meciar , the former Slovak Prime Minister and the leader of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia , launched an initiative called " For a Free Slovakia " [ for Meciar 's proposal for a " grand coalition " of Slovak political parties , see p. 38381 ] .
22 On March 25 Czechoslovak federal police launched an investigation into the activities of Vladimir Meciar , the leader of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( MDS or HZDS ) .
23 In Slovakia , on the other hand , the chief victor was Vladimir Meciar 's Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , whose nationalist platform drew heavily on economic discontent engendered by the harsh application of Klaus 's free-market principles , and favoured greater state intervention , if necessary supported by budget deficits .
24 Chamber of the People Chamber of Nations Czech Lands Slovakia Total MPs Czech Lands Slovakia Total MPs % MPs % MPs % MPs % MPs Civic Democratic Party-Christian Democratic Party 33.90 46+2 3.95 0 48 33.43 34+3 3.66 0 37 Movement for a Democratic Slovakia — - 33.53 23+1 24 — - 33.85 31+2 33
25 Civic Democratic Party 29.73 76 Left Bloc 14.05 35 Czechoslovak Social Democracy 6.53 16 Liberal Social Union 6.52 16 Christian Democratic Union-Czechoslovak People 's Party 6.28 15 Association for the Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia 5.98 14 Civic Democratic Alliance 5.93 14 Movement for Self-administered Democracy-Society for Moravia and Silesia 5.87 14 Civic Movement 4.59 0 Others 14.52 0 Total 100 200 % of vote Seats Movement for a Democratic Slovakia 37.26 74 Party of Democratic Left 14.70 29 Christian Democratic Movement 8.88 18 Slovak National Party 7.93 15 Hungarian minority coalition 7.42 14 Civic Democratic Union 4.03 0 Social Democratic Party in Slovakia 4.00 0 Others 15.78 0 Total 100 150
26 Negotiations were begun between the Civic Democratic Party and the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia as the two largest parties .
27 The Civic Democratic Party was reported as favouring a continued federal structure , while the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia argued for a confederation of two sovereign states each of which would be a separate legal entity in international law .
28 At the constituent session on June 25 of the new Federal Assembly Michal Kovac of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia was elected unopposed as chair of the Federal Assembly ( in place of Dubcek ) , Vaclav Benda of the Civic Democratic Party-Christian Democratic Party as chair of the Chamber of the People , and Roman Zeleney of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia as chair of the Chamber of Nations .
29 At the constituent session on June 25 of the new Federal Assembly Michal Kovac of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia was elected unopposed as chair of the Federal Assembly ( in place of Dubcek ) , Vaclav Benda of the Civic Democratic Party-Christian Democratic Party as chair of the Chamber of the People , and Roman Zeleney of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia as chair of the Chamber of Nations .
30 Three days later Vaclav Klaus , Czech Prime Minister and leader of the Civic Democratic Party ( ODS ) , and Vladimir Meciar , Slovak Prime Minister and leader of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , reached a political agreement on the steps to be taken towards the abolition of the federation .
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