Example sentences of "[noun] for the reduction " in BNC.

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1 Henry VII even received papal support for the reduction of the important clerical immunities of right of sanctuary and benefit of clergy .
2 Bush promised legislation " this year " setting specific goals and timetables for the reduction of acid rain pollution , a long running source of disagreement between the two countries .
3 Will he accept responsibility for the reduction in job opportunities in Wales and for the increase in unemployment ?
4 The EC and Japan on July 18 each proposed separate formulas for the reduction of tariffs across the board ; a new broad and systematic approach was proposed by Canada on Sept. 27 .
5 One out-break in the Netherlands involed the consumption of raw herring which harboured the larvae in their muscles , but the most widespread endemic cycle is usually recognised as being between seals and cod , and for this reason there is pressure in some fishing communities for the reduction of seal populations in order to diminish the economic loss resulting from rejection of fish at inspection .
6 At the press conference when the Bill was published , the Secretary of State said that cuts in the mining industry are part of a plan for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions .
7 On June 22 , 1990 , the 26 member countries of the Latin American Economic System ( SELA ) adopted a plan for the reduction of their foreign debts , to be presented at the Houston economic summit in July .
8 On June 22 , 1990 , SELA members agreed a plan for the reduction of their foreign debts [ see p. 37893 ] .
9 Thus , via these five Objectives , but principally through 1 , 2 and 5(b) , it was hoped to provide a more effective basis for the reduction of regional disparities and the promotion of balanced development in the SEM .
10 Policy implications for the reduction of inequalities in health will be considered in the light of these comparison .
11 The coal , from fields in Scotland , would have to be converted to gases such as carbon monoxide for the reduction process .
12 Set targets for the reduction of inequalities in health .
13 A report by the Commission of the European Communities ( EC ) , details of which were published by the Economy Ministry on Nov. 4 , called for at least another year of economic stringency , noting that by the end of 1991 ( the first year of the three-year stabilization plan which the EC had required when making its February 1991 loan — see pp. 37968 ; 38478 ) the government would have failed to meet its targets for the reduction of inflation and of the public-sector deficit .
14 An international consensus on the need for governments to impose tough targets for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions seems to be developing as Japan presents a new and demanding strategy to the Geneva World Climate Conference .
15 Specific enforceable targets for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions have been removed from the latest draft of the Convention on Climate Change being prepared for the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , in June .
16 Discharges from refining and use of oil fell from 300,000 tonnes in 1980 to 60,000 tonnes in 1992 , exceeding targets for the reduction of emissions by 2000 .
17 But operating profits improved in the second half and the company can take some credit for the reduction in gearing to just 5 p.c .
18 ‘ There is no argument for the reduction of Scots MPs , ’ he said at his final press conference in London .
19 ‘ The health risks to nonsmokers [ of passive smoking ] provide added argument for the reduction of smoking in the community , and nonsmoking should be regarded as the norm in enclosed areas frequented by the public or employees , special provision being made for smokers , rather than vice versa. ’ [ 4 ] .
20 For example , if it were shown that the reduction of through-traffic was the principal reason for the reduction in accidents , then it would be efficacious to dispense with the expensive street furniture and speed-reduction measures .
21 Rounding off the debate , Mr Key explained that the installation of the computer had been the reason for the reduction in the funding available .
22 Each week , as well as the weight goal and the sugar goal , there will be a separate goal for the reduction of saturated fat .
23 The treaty , negotiated over almost a decade , set a seven-year timetable for the reduction by 30 per cent of the nuclear arsenals of the USA and the nuclear republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) — Byelarus , Kazakhstan , Russia and the Ukraine .
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