Example sentences of "[noun] and therefore [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He uses neurological studies of deprivation to show that early lack of speech is likely to produce later problems in speech perception and therefore production .
2 Thus it is clear that ( a ) affirms the footballer ; ( b ) also affirms the footballer because the speaker has made it clear that it is a personal reaction of liking or disliking which has nothing to do with appreciation of football 's being a good game ; ( c ) is affirming also because although criticism of the game is stated , its positive value comes first , and in any case the keen footballer is likely to be the first to agree that the level of enjoyment varies according to different games of football ; ( d ) however veers towards dismissal of football and therefore dismissal of what is meaningful to the footballer , because although it acknowledges that sometimes it is a good game the emphasis is on the negative side ; ( e ) is not affirming because even though the hurt to the footballer is cushioned by making it clear that this is a personal opinion , a very negative judgement is in fact articulated ; ( f ) has the straight effect of dismissing the footballer as well as football because it implies that anyone who spends time on football is stupid .
3 For this reason one might expect there to be no large change in surface energy between liquid and solid glass so that surface tension and therefore surface energy , measured quite easily on molten glass , ought to be approximately applicable to the same glass when hardened .
4 As Professor Housman used to say , ‘ Stand on a barrel in the streets of Baghdad and say twice two are four and ginger is hot in the mouth and therefore Mohammed is the prophet of God , and it is unlikely that anyone would question your reasoning ; but if he should be bold enough to do so , you could easily silence him by calling him a Christian dog . ’
5 The only certain thing about the future is its uncertainty and therefore prudence dictates that flexibility must be retained and options kept open .
6 Throughout the pregnancy , we used vacuum decompression to ensure that the infant 's blood and therefore oxygen and food supplies were maximal . ’
7 first , while registration may not be a priority point , failure to register , as we have seen , renders the charge void and therefore registration is a necessary , although not sufficient , condition to obtain priority ;
8 The number of spells of sickness absence is a form of count data and therefore Poisson regression models were fitted to the data .
9 For instance , a good reason for observing a law whose content you find objectionable is that it is a law and therefore part of a system of mandatory rules which has value as a system because of its overall results , results which are dependent on subjects observing laws which they find objectionable .
10 It perhaps is a function of the early stage of interpreter development in the UK ( though there are only a very few positive indications that the situation is different in other more developed countries ) and one can expect a change of provision , attitude and therefore skill .
11 ‘ Sport 2000 , A Strategic Approach to the Development of Sport in Scotland ’ identifies women as low participants in sport and therefore Council has identified women as a target group .
12 Well quite obviously if you are going to curtail something like that , some of those who had been on the police authorities will now find that they are not on the police authority and therefore that causes understandable anxiety and therefore rumpus .
13 A third trend was centred upon growing awareness of the difference between the real world and the way in which environment was perceived because it was such perception which influenced decision-making and therefore management .
14 No doubt there may be microscopic deviations which businessmen and therefore lawyers will ignore …
15 It is understood the princess was not a guest at the Queen 's lunch and therefore part of the Royal carriage procession and decided to make her own way to Ascot .
16 The varying periods of copyright have caused difficulties : Paul Klee for instance , who died in 1940 , is in copyright in France and Germany and therefore monographs on the artist and other reproductions of his works require a royalty to be paid on the books circulated in those countries .
17 Endoprosthesis occlusion ( which is almost inevitable within three to six months ) will not influence this function and therefore replacement is not routinely required .
18 The main result of the Keynesian theory is that the level of real national income and therefore employment is determined largely by the level of aggregate demand .
19 Secondly , and perhaps inevitably arising out of the first situation , the young adult who joins the sub-culture of deafness and uses sign language has , in the community 's eyes , given up the search for sameness and therefore society 's help comes in a ‘ care for the disabled ’ package .
20 So when we went through it , Kevin was going to do all of the careers officers in York but did n't need to do Mary because she 's part of the adult team and therefore Jane and Julie will have to sort her .
21 ‘ Unfortunately training budgets are very tight at the moment and therefore staff are not sent to external courses as frequently as would be desirable ’ …
22 Looking someone in the eye while saying : ‘ Please would you do this ’ extends the transaction enough for you to gauge the person 's reaction and therefore mood .
23 a ) over-rapid infusion of intravenous fluid b ) retention of sodium and therefore fluid .
24 He said that social security benefits , which are tied to movements in the Retail Price Index , would reflect the change , but that he recognised its particular impact on people with low incomes and therefore Peter Lilley would take it into account when benefits were uprated next year .
25 The droplets thus formed — of dilute sulphuric acid — are smaller than normal water vapour droplets and therefore clouds containing them are brighter than normal .
26 So that would be one salt whose actual nature and therefore weight and therefore your measurement of salinity will vary depending on the degree of drying .
27 For owner-occupiers , on the other hand , the need to save for a deposit and other expenses , together with the relatively large mortgage payments in the early years means that two incomes are necessary for an extended period and therefore childbearing will be delayed .
28 Moreover , as the patent specification was not published by the plaintiffs but by another party , its publication did not cause the information to lose its quality of confidence and therefore B was not released from his duty to the plaintiffs .
29 If , indeed , such principles are a feature of children 's attempts to understand adult language , it remains to be seen whether they can be seen as the outcome of earlier developmental processes or , as seems more likely , innate abilities and therefore features of Chomsky 's LAD .
30 Labour 's training levy — the introduction of yet another socialist tax on industry — would either reduce profit margins and therefore investment or , if it expanded the money supply , would lead to an increase in prices .
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