Example sentences of "[noun] correspond to a " in BNC.

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1 We are therefore of the opinion that the faster two components seen in the SDS-sequestration technique correspond to a weaker subset of GC sites and possibly other non-GC sites as well .
2 This is quite understandable if the non-specified version of the infinitive 's support corresponds to a " generalized person " : since this person is the virtual sum of all persons ( first , second or third ) , if to snow is not explicitly referred to it , the infinitive is felt as having a possible reference to " me " or " you " , which corresponds exactly to the impression produced by the sentence above and explains why it does not make sense .
3 Therefore four steps correspond to a rotor movement of one tooth pitch ( = 360/p degrees ) and for the hybrid motor : Step length=90/p degrees ( 1.3 )
4 Each addressed location in one of my sperms corresponds to a particular addressed location in every other one of my sperms , and in every one of your eggs ( or sperms ) .
5 The sensitivity sought at the test point is 20 000 gamma/volt : + 2.5V corresponds to a range of 100,000 gamma so the initial Helmholtz coil current setting should cover this .
6 Locus M corresponds to a circuit that exhibits real positive feedback at a frequency represented by the point Q but , as the length of OQ is less than unity , oscillation can not occur .
7 But in this case , Y will , like D , permute with C ; thus from ( 25 ) the modal matrix of A may be written XY , while ( 26 ) and ( 29 ) require unc so that B shares the modal matrix XY with A. Note that here , E need not be diagonal , so that B can be defective ; but non-zero elements in the superdiagonal of E can only occur in a submatrix corresponding to a scalar submatrix in C.
8 Attention should be paid to the representation of three-dimensional figures in two dimensions , Pupils should be able to recognise the two-dimensional drawing corresponding to a given solid , and be able to recognise and build solids from such drawings .
9 Level 1 was left out from the calculation of the ANOVA in Table 6 since the question ‘ was there a word present ? ’ can not have a non-zero entry for the cell corresponding to a No answer .
10 Phrases of the first type correspond to a ‘ question ’ to which a phrase of the second type may provide an incomplete answer ; a phrase of the third type gives a sense of completion .
11 It is believed that every part of the feet corresponds to a part of the body .
12 In each case , after charging , measurements of heat had to be made for several hundreds of hours and repeated at several different levels of current , between 0.05 and 1.5 amps corresponding to a current entering each square centimetre of surface of the rods of 8 and 64 mA. ( mA means a milliamp or thousandth of an amp , not a million amps as incorrectly stated in one newspaper . )
13 The visual cortex consists of tightly packed columns of cells , each column corresponding to a particular point in the visual field in a way that can be mathematically defined .
14 Although blobspace can be located on any device or medium or across several , the field in a database record corresponding to a particular BLOB will always point to its location when interrogated by the database user .
15 In effect the Phillips curve depicted in Figure 6.6 is but one out of an infinite set of short-run Phillips curves , each curve corresponding to a different expected rate of inflation .
16 A Northern blot experiment using a radioactive N-Oct-3 probe detected a single band corresponding to a 5 kb RNA transcript in human brain ( Figure 2 , lane 2 ) but not in human heart , lung , pancreas , liver , spleen and skeletal muscle ( lanes 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , respectively ) , indicating specific expression in the nervous system .
17 A mini-step drive controls the winding current at many levels , so that the rotor moves in " mini-steps " between the full-step positions , each mini-step corresponding to a change of one level in the winding currents .
18 Sense ( 5'-AGACCAAGATCAATCCCACC-3' ) and antisense ( 5'-CTCGCAAACACCTTATGTAC-3' ) K1 primers correspond to a portion of the 3'-untranslated region of murine K1 mRNA sequence ( S. Yuspa ) .
19 Set B : 16 MidClass-unique sentences , containing only words whose MidClass transcription corresponds to a unique entry in the RM1 lexicon .
20 In this case only , the surface corresponds to a curvature singularity .
21 The WT oligonucleotide corresponding to a PPT element located at -761 to -741 relative to the major start site of transcription ( 7 ) with homology to a previously proposed Na Channel element was used in gel retardation analysis .
22 Certainly the range of types of referential relation holding between perceived properties corresponding to a qualifying adjective and perceived entities corresponding to its accompanying noun is enormous ; a small random sample would include the cases that could be covered by ( 15 ) as well as by ( 14 ) : ( 15 ) plastic bottles empty bottles useful bottles different bottles missing bottles It would not be correct , however , to conclude from this evidence that the meaning expressed by qualification is a broad composite notion , from a syntactic point of view .
23 Only those bit positions corresponding to a one in the mask are involved in the primary operation .
24 The most common instructions in this area are load , store , and move under mask , where bits are copied from the source to the destination location only for those positions corresponding to a one in the mask .
25 When constructing the tree corresponding to a BFS , each line has a corresponding node and we will write R i for the node corresponding to row i and C j for the node corresponding to column j .
26 To see that this is true , we note that any path in a tree corresponding to a BFS of an AP consists of an alternating sequence of row and column vertices , and R i and C j adjacent in this sequence means is basic .
27 Although the serum antigliadin antibody-IgA value was more closely related to the study phase , a negative result could still be found in coeliac disease patients challenged with 500 mg/day of gliadin , a dose corresponding to a ‘ visible ’ amount of daily gluten containing food ( approximately 12.5 g of wheat flour ) .
28 Choice theories correspond to a libertarian strand in liberal political theory under which state power may only be legitimated by consent of the individual .
29 The labels on syntactic edges correspond to a syntactic category ( DET — determiner ; ADJ — adjective ; NOUN — noun ; NP — nounphrase ; VP — verbphrase ; S — sentence ) .
30 The fusion of the actual person of a son of the agricultural mother with the divine , pre-agricultural , primal mother-image corresponds to a further , structural description of mania by Freud : namely , one in which the ego and superego have fused together — in genetic terms , in which the parent and child are one .
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