Example sentences of "[noun] shut out [art] " in BNC.

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1 She put her hands over her ears to shut out a repetition of all those humiliating accusations , her training flying straight out of the window .
2 ‘ Jeez , I could do with that cup of tea , ’ Mrs Bennet said , putting her hands over her ears to shut out the tumult above , and Anne decided to go upstairs to see if the gas was still on .
3 People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of sirens and gunfire .
4 Eachuinn Odhar closed his watery eyes to shut out the din , smiling dimly .
5 He pressed his hands to his eyes to shut out the dreadful picture .
6 It was established that individual pathetic character once and forever by tying one end of his pocket handkerchief to a hook on , in the wall and attaching himself to the other to the performance , to , to the performance of this feat however the pocket handkerchief inside had been all he , he only cried bitterly all day and when the longest nights came on he spread his little hand before his eyes to shut out the darkness and crouching in the corner tried to sleep , everyone drawing himself closer and closer to the wall
7 He cried bitterly all day , and when the long night came , he spread his little hands over his eyes to shut out the darkness , and tried to sleep .
8 I closed my eyes to shut out the glow from the cloverleaf window and tried for sleep .
9 Lorton closed his eyes to shut out the sight of Dougal .
10 She pushed him away , closing her eyes to shut out the present image of his face .
11 ‘ Anything might have happened , ’ she said , putting her hands over her eyes to shut out the horrors of the market , remembering with longing the cellophane-wrapped , refrigerated coolness of the shops at home .
12 the pretty girl victim … four months after The Fox subjected her to a three-hour sex ordeal — and forced her brother and her boyfriend at gunpoint to perform degrading acts with her — the girl crawled into an airing cupboard in a bid to shut out the memories .
13 Rarely can a goalkeeper have had such an incentive to shut out a former club than Rovers ' Bobby Mimms has at Ewood Park this afternoon .
14 In a few places , as in the lower Neretva valley , a breach in the mountain wall permits a gulf of Mediterranean air to penetrate inland , but more commonly the unbroken barrier shuts out the ameliorating influences from the sea .
15 After sending Bacci off to get himself a coffee from the Brigadier who was losing his patience with a recruit in the kitchen , the Captain shut out the noise and sat down to wait , glancing now and then at his watch .
16 There was a coal fire in the sitting room and when Ianthe had drawn the curtains to shut out the November evening everybody agreed with John when he exclaimed how ‘ cosy ’ it was .
17 of the hearse door shutting out the light
18 In the distance she heard the faint sounds of voices from the pool , and her dazed eyes rested on the green palm trees out on the terrace , while the dim light of the courtyard shut out the horrors of the morning , and she saw the gleaming white tower of a mosque against the deep sky and the far-off mountains , just as they had looked in the travel brochures .
19 Patrick Barlow paces about his flat , where parchment coloured silk curtains shut out the view of the congregational chapel , waiting in on the chance that Frankie may turn up .
20 And then she knelt over him and the round childish face with its bush of bright hair shut out the sky .
21 Short , neat cafe curtains that cover half the window can sometimes be the answer to shut out an ugly view .
22 ‘ It 's not a bad place , ’ he said , once they were in reception and the smoked glass shut out the small hut where they searched the hand-bags , and she 'd laughed and said ‘ All right ’ and they 'd signed in .
23 MacMillan created a strange gesture for Rudolf in Mayerling ; he frequently clasps his hand against the side of his head and ear as if to ease the pain of his deteriorating brain in order to shut out the rumours surrounding his every activity .
24 Clouds shut out the stars ; their solitude was complete .
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